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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-25 14:14
【摘要】:隨著我國國民經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會發(fā)展,城鎮(zhèn)化進(jìn)程加快的需要,城市及城際軌道交通正在快速發(fā)展。地鐵隧道工程項目的不斷增多,伴隨著注漿材料的大量使用,這就要求注漿材料具有優(yōu)異的膠凝性能和力學(xué)性能,并且對體積穩(wěn)定性、抗?jié)B性能、抗水溶蝕性能等耐久性能提出了一定的要求。本文提出了一種新型水泥基注漿材料,該種新型注漿材料具有速凝、早強(qiáng)、結(jié)石率高、經(jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)保等特點。本文以新型注漿材料為研究對象,從材料的膠凝性能、力學(xué)性能、耐久性能以及對耐久性能評價進(jìn)行試驗研究,主要研究成果和結(jié)論如下:通過試驗分析了不同水灰比的新型注漿材料、純水泥漿液、水泥-水玻璃和膠砂四種材料的膠凝性能。結(jié)果表明新型注漿材料的膠凝時間可以自由調(diào)節(jié),無泌水現(xiàn)象,結(jié)石率為100%,pH10,不會對襯砌管片造成腐蝕,滿足使用要求;通過試驗分析了不同水灰比的新型注漿材料、純水泥漿液、水泥-水玻璃和膠砂四種材料的力學(xué)性能,包括抗壓強(qiáng)度和三軸壓縮強(qiáng)度并結(jié)合SEM進(jìn)行微觀結(jié)構(gòu)分析。試驗結(jié)果得出新型注漿材料抗壓強(qiáng)度具有早強(qiáng)性、三軸壓縮強(qiáng)度隨圍壓增大殘余強(qiáng)度也增大的特點,并通過SEM微觀檢測手段,結(jié)合對抗壓強(qiáng)度研究,對比分析四種材料類型在28 d養(yǎng)護(hù)齡期的水化產(chǎn)物及微觀形貌。通過耐久性試驗分析了新型注漿材料、純水泥漿液、水泥-水玻璃和膠砂材料的抗地下水溶蝕性能、抗?jié)B性能和體積穩(wěn)定性能。闡述了水泥類注漿材料的水化固結(jié)原理,分析總結(jié)了注漿材料在地下水溶蝕條件下抗壓強(qiáng)度變化以及質(zhì)量損失情況,并通過純水浸泡試驗,分析注漿材料的電導(dǎo)率和溶出物質(zhì)總量的變化過程;對于注漿材料的抗?jié)B性能,采用滲透系數(shù)和抗?jié)B壓力兩種指標(biāo)來表征,結(jié)果表明新型注漿材料28 d滲透系數(shù)均能達(dá)到10-8級,表明有良好的抗?jié)B性能;研究注漿材料的體積穩(wěn)定性,包括干縮性能和早期開裂性能,結(jié)果表明新型注漿材料28d干縮值是純水泥漿液的1/23,是水泥-水玻璃的1/31,是膠砂材料的1/16,新型注漿材料出現(xiàn)裂縫的時間為12 h,晚于其他材料類型,在1 d和7 d時的裂縫寬度分別小于0.4 mm和3.5 mm,小于其他材料類型,表明新型注漿材料有著優(yōu)異的體積穩(wěn)定性能。通過多因素模糊綜合評定理論評價四種注漿材料的耐久性能。本文選擇注漿材料抗水溶蝕性能、抗水滲透性能以及體積穩(wěn)定性能作為影響因素,懫用層次分析法確定各因素的權(quán)重,結(jié)果表明新型注漿材料耐久性評價結(jié)果為優(yōu)秀,純水泥漿液為一般,水泥-水玻璃材料為差,膠砂材料為良好。
[Abstract]:With the development of national economy and society and the need of accelerating urbanization, urban and intercity rail transit is developing rapidly. With the increasing number of subway tunnel engineering projects and the extensive use of grouting materials, it is required that the grouting materials have excellent cementing and mechanical properties, and have good volume stability and impermeability. Some requirements for durability such as water corrosion resistance are put forward. In this paper, a new cement-based grouting material is proposed, which has the characteristics of quick solidification, early strength, high stone rate, economic and environmental protection, etc. In this paper, a new type of grouting material is studied in terms of its cementing properties, mechanical properties, durability and durability evaluation. The main research results and conclusions are as follows: the cementitious properties of new grouting materials with different water-cement ratio, pure cement paste, cement-water glass and cement sand are analyzed. The results show that the cementing time of the new grouting material can be adjusted freely, there is no bleeding phenomenon, the calculi rate is 100 and pH 10, and it will not cause corrosion to the lining segments and meet the requirements of application. The mechanical properties, including compressive strength and triaxial compressive strength, of new grouting materials with different water-cement ratio, pure cement slurry, cement-water glass and cement-sand were analyzed. The microstructure was analyzed with SEM. The test results show that the compressive strength of the new grouting material has early strength, and the triaxial compressive strength increases with the increase of confining pressure, and the compressive strength is studied by means of SEM microcosmic test. The hydration products and micromorphology of four kinds of materials at the age of 28 days were compared and analyzed. The corrosion resistance of groundwater, impermeability and volume stability of new grouting material, pure cement slurry, cement-water glass and cement sand were analyzed by durability test. The principle of hydration and consolidation of cement grouting materials is expounded. The changes of compressive strength and mass loss of grouting materials under groundwater dissolution are analyzed and summarized. The change process of electrical conductivity and total amount of dissolved matter of grouting material is analyzed. Permeability coefficient and impermeability pressure were used to characterize the impermeability of grouting material. The results showed that the permeability coefficient of the new grouting material could reach 10-8 grade in 28 days, which indicated that the new grouting material had good impermeability. The volume stability of grouting material, including dry shrinkage property and early cracking property, was studied. The results show that the new grouting material's dry shrinkage value in 28 days is 1 / 23 of pure cement slurry, 1 / 31 of cement-water glass, and 1 / 16 of cement sand material. The crack time of the new grouting material is 12 h, which is later than that of other material types. The crack width of 1 d and 7 d is less than 0.4 mm and 3.5 mm, respectively, which is smaller than that of other material types. It shows that the new grouting material has excellent volume stability. The durability of four grouting materials was evaluated by multi-factor fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory. In this paper, the water corrosion resistance, water permeability and volume stability of grouting materials are selected as the influencing factors, and the weight of each factor is determined by analytic hierarchy process. The results show that the durability evaluation results of new grouting materials are excellent. The pure cement slurry is general, the cement-water glass material is poor, the cement sand material is good.


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