
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-25 12:26
[Abstract]:Since the 21 century, China's economy has developed rapidly, the urbanization process has been advancing, the number of cars has increased sharply, and the problem of parking is becoming more and more serious, which has become an important factor affecting the social and economic development of our country. As a new type of parking mode, the stereoscopic garage can solve the difficult problem of parking in our country. At present, steel structure and cast-in-place concrete structure are the main types of solid garages in the world. The characteristics of steel structure buildings are light weight, high strength and convenient installation. However, the refractory corrosion resistance of steel is poor, and the thermal conductivity is large. Especially under the high temperature, the strength of the components decreases rapidly, and it is easy to collapse and destroy, which may lead to the collapse of the surrounding buildings and even casualties. The cast-in-place concrete structure has the characteristics of low cost, good fire resistance and corrosion resistance, but in the process of construction, it is necessary to provide a large construction site, more construction personnel and construction machinery, The disadvantages of long construction period and great influence on the surrounding area. In order to meet the convenience of three-dimensional garage construction and make up for the poor fire resistance and corrosion resistance of steel structure. In this grim situation, the advantages of the prefabricated concrete stereoscopic garage will gradually appear. This paper takes the reinforced concrete stereoscopic garage as the research object, on the basis of the whole structure analysis, carries on the structural whole analysis contrast to the reinforced concrete stereoscopic garage, and carries on the classification design to the member node. The structural design and construction drawings are formed preliminarily, which provides a reference for the further research and application of the prefabricated concrete stereoscopic garage. The work accomplished is as follows: (1) the various types, characteristics and matters needing attention in the design of the three-dimensional garage are introduced. Finally, the elevator lift type three-dimensional garage is selected as the research object. The parameters of the three-dimensional garage are determined, such as the composition of the structure, the plane parameters, the height of the floor and the load. (2) according to the design principle of the concrete shear wall structure, The whole analysis and comparison of five single cylinder garages with different layers and six different storeys high stereoscopic combined garages are carried out, and the typical stereoscopic garage structures are selected for complete calculation. This paper analyzes the rationality and economy of the structure from two angles of lateral displacement and reinforcement quantity, and puts forward the ratio of height to width suitable for the three-dimensional garage of shear wall structure. (3) on the basis of the calculation and analysis of the structure, The structure of single-cylinder and double-cylinder assembled stereoscopic garage is decomposed vertically and horizontally, and according to the current design standards and codes, the joint design is carried out to ensure the reliability of the joint and the whole structure.


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