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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-25 09:11
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy and the general improvement of the living standard of the residents, the car ownership of the urban residents has increased significantly, and the parking of vehicles has become a major problem in the development of the city. This paper attempts to design a stable and efficient embedded parking management system to meet the needs of most existing parking lot management. The system mainly includes hardware system and software system. Firstly, this paper introduces the general framework of the parking lot, and designs an intelligent parking lot management system based on ARM according to the demand of the intelligent parking lot. In the hardware system of this design, the main control module of parking lot management system is designed with Corter-A8 chip as the core, which is used to connect each function module, and carries on the logic control management to the whole system; Taking the magnetic field sensor as the core, the paper designs the parking space information acquisition module, which is used to collect the parking space status in the parking lot, and the CCD camera as the core to design the license plate information acquisition module, which is used to collect the license plate information. Based on the LCD display screen and the WM9714 audio decoding chip, the free parking space prompt module is designed, which is used to display the parking space information in the parking lot and to alert the vehicle for attention. The vehicle access detection module is designed with the geomagnetic coil as the core. It is used to collect the entry and exit of vehicles in and out of the parking lot. In the software system, the embedded Linux operating system is used as the system software, and the Linux device driver related to the system is configured at the same time. Then a hierarchical intelligent parking lot management method is proposed. All vehicles are divided into VIP vehicles, ordinary vehicles and foreign vehicles. For VIP license plates, fixed parking spaces will be reserved, and for ordinary vehicles, random parking spaces will be reserved. On the basis of the parking space information collected before, the foreign vehicles will be managed according to the situation. As a result, the parking lot utilization rate is greatly improved. Then, based on the management method of parking lot, the application programs of license plate information acquisition module, parking space acquisition module, vehicle entrance and exit detection module, parking information acquisition module, vehicle information storage module and so on are compiled. Finally, the system runs stably after repeated test, and can realize the intelligent management of parking lot.


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