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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-24 16:34
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the scale of pipeline construction such as natural gas and oil is becoming larger and larger. New construction projects, such as roads and railways, may cross or are adjacent to them, and the construction of new projects will inevitably have a negative impact on them. Especially if blasting construction is adopted, the harmful effects of blasting, such as blasting vibration and blasting flying stones, may cause incalculable harm to the conveying pipeline. Therefore, in such projects, in order to ensure the safety of the adjacent pipeline, It is of great significance to study the relevant rules and control methods of blasting harmful effects. In this paper, the effect of blasting vibration of pile well of Hongquan Village Bridge of Rongrong (Shandong Rongcheng) Wu (Inner Mongolia Wuhai) Expressway on nearby Shanjing natural gas pipeline is studied. Theoretical analysis and BP neural network are combined to study the propagation law of blasting seismic wave in bridge pile well and its application in practical engineering. The main conclusions are as follows. The propagation law of radial and vertical vibration velocities caused by bridge pile well blasting is studied by means of field test result analysis and longitudinal wave propagation theory analysis. It is found that the horizontal distance increases with the increase of horizontal distance between pile and pile well edge. The attenuation law of vertical and radial blasting vibration velocity is different. At the same time, it is found that the vertical and radial blasting vibration velocities are different from the horizontal distance between pile and well edge in the range of 7 m or less. By analyzing the field test results, it is found that when the blasting parameters are fixed, the relationship between the vibration velocity of the cut hole and the peripheral hole is different under different pile depth. At the same time, it is found that the vibration velocity caused by cutting hole and peripheral hole is different with the increase of pile depth. Combined with field blasting parameters and vibration monitoring data, 15 groups of training (fitting) samples and 5 groups of test samples were set up. The blasting vibration velocity of pile wells was predicted by BP neural network, height correction formula and Sadolski formula, respectively. The results show that the average relative errors of the predicted results of BP neural network, elevation correction formula and Sadolski formula are 7.90% and 27.68%, respectively. Combined with the experimental results, a method of zoning control of blasting parameters is put forward according to the difference of horizontal distance and depth of pile wells. The method is applied to the pile blasting project of Hongquancu2# Bridge near Shanjing natural gas pipeline. The results show that this method can not only ensure the safety of buried gas pipelines but also improve the efficiency of pile-well construction.


相關(guān)會議論文 前2條

1 陳壽如;宋光明;周鳳南;肖清華;;兩種質(zhì)點振速預(yù)測公式的比較與選擇[A];第七屆全國工程爆破學術(shù)會議論文集[C];2001年

2 梁向前;;南水北調(diào)中線京石段爆破振動安全問題研究[A];中國爆破新技術(shù)Ⅱ[C];2008年





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