
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-11-24 15:06
[Abstract]:In order to study the relationship between various factors and the internal shear stress of asphalt pavement surface, taking the most common two-axle and four-axle vehicles as examples, the shearing flow deformation and influencing factors of asphalt pavement are analyzed. A dynamic response model of long uphill asphalt pavement under moving load is established. Based on the orthogonal test method, the multivariable cross combination calculation is carried out. Through the analysis of the calculation results, the load and velocity are established. The comprehensive calculation model of the maximum transverse shear stress of the asphalt pavement on the long slope with the main influencing factors such as slope and temperature. According to the stress characteristics of long uphill section, it is suggested that the maximum in-plane shear stress and the control index of pavement material shear strength should be increased in the design and construction of long slope asphalt pavement. The rutting prediction model of long-rise uphill asphalt pavement is given under the influence of multiple factors.
【作者單位】: 長安大學(xué)道路施工技術(shù)與裝備教育部重點實驗室;西安陜鼓動力股份有限公司;


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6 秦e,




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