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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-23 21:12
【摘要】:隨著國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)的快速增長(zhǎng)、機(jī)動(dòng)車保有量的逐年增加,我國(guó)道路交通建設(shè)也在不斷完善,但社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)活動(dòng)的增加和居民出行量、出行范圍的日益擴(kuò)大對(duì)我國(guó)公路交通設(shè)施的服務(wù)功能要求也越來(lái)越高,與此同時(shí),道路交通管理方面的不足逐步顯現(xiàn)出來(lái)。作為道路交通管理的硬件設(shè)施,道路交通標(biāo)志的服務(wù)水平明顯滯后。而在實(shí)際設(shè)計(jì)和建設(shè)的過(guò)程中,道路交通標(biāo)志的設(shè)置存在著標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和規(guī)范應(yīng)用不當(dāng)、指路信息選用和發(fā)布不當(dāng),以及警告、禁令、指示標(biāo)志設(shè)置位置選擇不當(dāng)?shù)戎T多問(wèn)題;在理論層面,道路交通標(biāo)志特別是指路標(biāo)志的設(shè)計(jì)因其缺乏科學(xué)的理論支撐體系而經(jīng)常被稱為是經(jīng)驗(yàn)設(shè)計(jì),這嚴(yán)重制約了我國(guó)道路交通標(biāo)志的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化水平以及設(shè)計(jì)水平的前進(jìn)。目前,以人為本已經(jīng)寫入我國(guó)憲法,黨的十七大報(bào)告的相關(guān)內(nèi)容也要求道路交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施能夠更符合保障民生的要求,為人們提供更安全的交通服務(wù)。道路交通標(biāo)志作為向道路使用者傳遞交通信息、發(fā)布交通管理措施的設(shè)施,對(duì)規(guī)范駕駛員駕駛行為、避免不安全行駛具有重要的作用。研究表明,對(duì)道路交通標(biāo)志、標(biāo)線的改善是道路交通安全改善措施中投資最小、收益最好的手段之一,在此之前,采用科學(xué)有效的方法對(duì)道路交通標(biāo)志進(jìn)行合理的評(píng)價(jià)便于有針對(duì)性地改善道路交通標(biāo)志的服務(wù)水平,從而提高道路交通的安全服務(wù)水平,通過(guò)改善道路交通設(shè)施來(lái)降低道路交通事故的發(fā)生率。論文遵循現(xiàn)有的評(píng)價(jià)指標(biāo)選取原則以及《道路交通標(biāo)志和標(biāo)線(GB5768-2009)》和《公路交通標(biāo)志和標(biāo)線設(shè)置規(guī)范(JTG D82-2009)》等相關(guān)規(guī)定,在對(duì)評(píng)價(jià)指標(biāo)進(jìn)行充分研究總結(jié)的基礎(chǔ)上,建立了道路交通標(biāo)志設(shè)置效果評(píng)價(jià)指標(biāo)體系。指標(biāo)體系包含主觀和客觀兩個(gè)層面,主客觀指標(biāo)均根據(jù)信息的內(nèi)容和保障信息提供的能力分為指路和旅游區(qū)標(biāo)志信息選用、管理類標(biāo)志信息選用、標(biāo)志版面視認(rèn)性及標(biāo)志設(shè)置情況四個(gè)方面的內(nèi)容。在主觀評(píng)價(jià)方面,論文根據(jù)指標(biāo)的內(nèi)容設(shè)計(jì)了駕駛員調(diào)查問(wèn)卷,通過(guò)問(wèn)卷調(diào)查的方式采集評(píng)價(jià)數(shù)據(jù);在客觀評(píng)價(jià)方面,論文查閱了相關(guān)資料,給出了每個(gè)指標(biāo)的計(jì)算公式,通過(guò)數(shù)學(xué)運(yùn)算的方式采集評(píng)價(jià)數(shù)據(jù)。根據(jù)指標(biāo)及待評(píng)價(jià)問(wèn)題的特點(diǎn)選取了模糊評(píng)價(jià)法來(lái)評(píng)價(jià)道路交通標(biāo)志的設(shè)置效果。在對(duì)模糊評(píng)價(jià)理論進(jìn)行探討之后,應(yīng)用模糊綜合評(píng)價(jià)法建立了道路交通標(biāo)志設(shè)置效果綜合評(píng)價(jià)模型。最后,論文以云貴川渝山區(qū)道路交通為例,運(yùn)用前文建立的道路交通標(biāo)志設(shè)置效果綜合評(píng)價(jià)模型,對(duì)云貴川渝山區(qū)道路交通標(biāo)志的設(shè)置效果進(jìn)行了綜合評(píng)價(jià),證明了本文所提出的理論與數(shù)學(xué)模型的科學(xué)性。
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of the national economy and the increase of the number of motor vehicles, the road traffic construction in our country is improving, but with the increase of social and economic activities and the amount of residents travelling, With the increasing expansion of travel scope, the service function of highway transportation facilities in China is increasingly demanding, at the same time, the deficiencies in road traffic management gradually appear. As the hardware of road traffic management, the service level of road traffic signs lags behind obviously. In the course of actual design and construction, there are many problems in setting up road traffic signs, such as improper application of standards and norms, improper selection and publication of road guidance information, and improper selection of warning, prohibition, location of indication signs, and so on. At the theoretical level, the design of road traffic signs, especially road signs, is often called empirical design because of its lack of scientific theoretical support system, which seriously restricts the standardization level of road traffic signs and the progress of design level in our country. At present, people-oriented has been written into the Constitution of our country, and the relevant contents of the report of the 17th National Congress of the Party also require that the road traffic infrastructure can meet the requirements of protecting people's livelihood and provide more safe transportation services for people. Road traffic signs, as a facility for transmitting traffic information to road users and issuing traffic management measures, play an important role in standardizing drivers' driving behavior and avoiding unsafe driving. The study shows that the improvement of road traffic signs is one of the least invested and the best way to improve road traffic safety. It is convenient to improve the service level of road traffic signs by using scientific and effective methods to evaluate the road traffic signs reasonably, so as to improve the safety service level of road traffic. Reduce the incidence of road traffic accidents by improving road traffic facilities. The paper follows the existing evaluation index selection principle and the relevant regulations such as "Road Traffic signs and marking (GB5768-2009)" and "Road Traffic signs and marking Standard" (JTG D82-2009), etc. On the basis of studying and summarizing the evaluation index, the evaluation index system of road traffic sign setting effect is established. The index system includes two levels: subjective and objective. According to the content of information and the ability to provide information, the subjective and objective indicators can be divided into the selection of guide information and the selection of tourist area sign information, and the selection of management type sign information. Logo layout recognition and logo setting four aspects of the content. In the aspect of subjective evaluation, the paper designs the driver's questionnaire according to the content of the index, and collects the evaluation data by the way of questionnaire. In the aspect of objective evaluation, the paper looks up the relevant data, gives the calculation formula of each index, and collects the evaluation data by the way of mathematical operation. According to the indexes and the characteristics of the problems to be evaluated, the fuzzy evaluation method is selected to evaluate the setting effect of road traffic signs. After the discussion of fuzzy evaluation theory, a comprehensive evaluation model of road traffic sign setting effect is established by using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally, taking the road traffic in Yungui, Sichuan and Chongqing mountain areas as an example, using the comprehensive evaluation model of the effect of setting up road traffic signs, the paper makes a comprehensive evaluation of the setting effect of road traffic signs in Yungui, Sichuan and Chongqing mountainous areas. The theory and mathematical model proposed in this paper are proved to be scientific.


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