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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 11:40
[Abstract]:The effects of waterborne epoxy resin emulsion on rheology, compressive and flexural strength, bond strength and shrinkage of cement mortar were analyzed, and the microstructure of SEM was analyzed. The modification mechanism of waterborne epoxy resin was discussed. The results show that the dispersion of cement particles and the fluidity of cement mortar can be greatly enhanced by adding waterborne epoxy resin emulsion. The flexural strength and compressive strength of cement mortar have been improved at 7 ~ 28 days, and there is a peak value when the aggregate cement ratio is 3 ~ 9, and the flexural pressure ratio of cement mortar specimen increases after modification, and the toughness of cement mortar increases. With the increasing of the ratio of aggregate to cement, the bond strength also increases. When the ratio of polymer to cement is 12, the bond strength reaches the maximum value, and the decrease of shrinkage ratio increases with the increase of the ratio of polymer to cement, and when the content of polymer increases to 12%, it will not decrease basically. The number of calcium hydroxide crystals was decreased, the hydration products were refined, and the density of internal structure was improved significantly after the addition of waterborne epoxy resin emulsion.
【作者單位】: 遼寧省高等級公路建設局;長安大學;


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