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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 08:12
【摘要】:隨著我國經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展,目前已建成和在建一大批特長公路隧道。在隧道運營過程中,不可避免的會出現(xiàn)一些火災事故,往往造成重大的人員傷亡和財產損失,其中以油罐車的碰撞起火危害最為嚴重。國內對火災后公路隧道襯砌結構安全評價和火災后對隧道襯砌的快速修復研究方面起步較晚,因此本文以長大公路隧道火災為研究對象,依托甘肅新七道梁隧道火災項目,主要針對以下幾個方面進行研究:1.對依托工程新七道梁隧道火災情況進行詳細介紹,總結歸納了國內外隧道火災資料及研究現(xiàn)狀、隧道可靠度研究原理。利用ANSYS軟件,在PDS模塊選出最適宜本論文的可靠度研究方法,即蒙特卡洛法(Monte Carlo);2.利用現(xiàn)場勘測法,通過回彈法、斷面檢測法、鉆芯取樣法等對新七道梁隧道進行初步損傷評價;3.選出兩個隨機參數(shù)分九個工況,運用拉丁抽樣法對參數(shù)抽樣2000次,對火災后公路隧道襯砌的可靠概率和失效概率進行安全評價,之后對各隨機參數(shù)的抽樣過程、分布特性、分布函數(shù)、對整體結構可靠度的敏感性、之間的相關性等進行研究,并得出相關結論;4.總結國內外混凝土材料受火后的特性,混凝土最新修復加固方法,針對新七道梁隧道提出三種加固方法,并對其襯砌結構可靠度進行研究,最后給出其它附屬設施的維修方案。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy in China, a large number of long highway tunnels have been built and are under construction. In the course of tunnel operation, some fire accidents will inevitably occur, which often cause heavy casualties and property losses, among which the collision of oil tanker fire is the most serious. In China, the safety evaluation of highway tunnel lining after fire and the research of rapid repair of tunnel lining after fire started relatively late, so this paper takes the fire of long highway tunnel as the research object and relies on the fire project of Xinqieliang tunnel in Gansu Province. Mainly focus on the following aspects of research: 1. This paper introduces the fire situation of the new Qiedaoliang tunnel in detail, summarizes the fire data and current research situation of the tunnel at home and abroad, and studies the principle of tunnel reliability. Using ANSYS software, select the most suitable reliability research method in PDS module, that is, Monte Carlo method (Monte Carlo); 2. In this paper, the preliminary damage evaluation of the tunnel is carried out by using the method of site survey, the method of springback, the method of section detection and the method of drilling core sampling. Two random parameters were selected to be divided into nine working conditions. The Latin sampling method was used to sample the parameters 2000 times. The reliability probability and failure probability of highway tunnel lining after fire were evaluated, and then the sampling process and distribution characteristics of each random parameter were analyzed. Distribution function, the sensitivity of the reliability of the whole structure, the correlation between the study, and draw relevant conclusions; 4. This paper summarizes the characteristics of concrete materials at home and abroad after fire, the latest concrete repair and reinforcement methods, puts forward three reinforcement methods for the new seven-track beam tunnel, studies the reliability of the lining structure, and finally gives the maintenance scheme of other ancillary facilities.


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