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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-13 21:13
【摘要】:隨著工業(yè)的迅速發(fā)展,油品的使用越來(lái)越廣泛,在石油運(yùn)輸、儲(chǔ)存和使用過(guò)程中的泄露造成了巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)損失和環(huán)境污染。本研究針對(duì)現(xiàn)有的吸油材料存在吸油倍率不高、油水選擇性低、吸油速率比較慢的缺點(diǎn),制備了具有優(yōu)良吸油性能的改性聚氨酯海綿和聚苯乙烯/聚丙烯腈(PS/PAN)靜電紡絲纖維,解決了油污泄露所帶來(lái)的環(huán)境問(wèn)題和能源問(wèn)題,具有很大的經(jīng)濟(jì)意義和現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。針對(duì)聚氨酯海綿同時(shí)吸水吸油的缺點(diǎn),本文通過(guò)預(yù)處理,硅烷偶聯(lián)劑浸泡改性得到具有一定疏水性能的海綿,為了進(jìn)一步改善吸油性能,采用表面接枝方法,以丙烯酸丁酯(BA)為單體,二乙烯基苯(DVB)為交聯(lián)劑,過(guò)氧化苯甲酰(BPO)為引發(fā)劑,在一定的溫度下得到了表面接枝聚氨酯海綿。利用紅外分析對(duì)海綿改性前后的組成進(jìn)行了分析,采用熱重分析對(duì)產(chǎn)物的熱穩(wěn)定性進(jìn)行了表征。通過(guò)正交試驗(yàn)分析,得到最佳制備條件:反應(yīng)溫度為80°C,反應(yīng)時(shí)間為4 h,引發(fā)劑濃度為PU質(zhì)量的9%,交聯(lián)劑濃度為PU質(zhì)量的0.5%,單體BA與PU海綿的質(zhì)量比為2:1。在最佳條件下,改性海綿在甲苯和四氯化碳中的吸收倍率分別為62.4 g/g和49.1 g/g,在水中的吸收倍率為5.06 g/g,對(duì)水的接觸角為124.88°,并且吸油速率比較快,在溢油回收中具有良好的應(yīng)用前景。針對(duì)聚苯乙烯纖維在非極性有機(jī)溶劑中的機(jī)械性能比較差且易溶解的缺點(diǎn),本文通過(guò)聚苯乙烯(PS)和聚丙烯腈(PAN)共混靜電紡絲的方法,得到了一種吸油倍率比較高,機(jī)械性能良好,可重復(fù)利用的靜電紡絲纖維?疾炝薖S/PAN(質(zhì)量比)、紡絲液濃度、電壓、溫度、接收距離、濕度、噴頭內(nèi)徑、推進(jìn)速度對(duì)靜電紡絲纖維形貌結(jié)構(gòu)以及吸油性能的影響;考察了纖維在不同油品中的吸油倍率隨時(shí)間的變化情況,纖維的重復(fù)利用性以及在水面上的浮力;采用X射線(xiàn)光電子能譜和掃描電鏡能譜對(duì)PS/PAN纖維的表面元素分布進(jìn)行了表征。實(shí)驗(yàn)得出PS/PAN纖維的最佳制備條件為:PS/PAN(質(zhì)量比)為5/5,紡絲液濃度為18 wt%,電壓為25 kV,溫度為30°C,接收距離為10 cm,濕度為40%,噴頭內(nèi)徑為0.6 mm,推進(jìn)速度為0.1 mm/s。纖維在不同油中的吸油倍率:真空泵油194.85g/g,花生油131.70 g/g,柴油66.75 g/g,汽油43.38 g/g,并且吸油過(guò)程符合二級(jí)動(dòng)力學(xué)方程。纖維對(duì)柴油的接觸角為0°,對(duì)水的接觸角為144.32°,表現(xiàn)出優(yōu)良的疏水親油性。纖維通過(guò)擠壓以及溶劑浸泡的方式可以多次重復(fù)利用,并且表現(xiàn)出了良好的浮力,可以用于水面漏油處理。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industry, oil products are used more and more widely. The leakage of oil transportation, storage and use has caused huge economic losses and environmental pollution. In this study, the modified polyurethane sponge and polystyrene / polyacrylonitrile (PS/PAN) electrostatic spinning fiber with excellent oil absorption properties were prepared to overcome the disadvantages of low oil absorption ratio, low oil-water selectivity and slow oil absorption rate of the existing oil-absorbing materials. It is of great economic and practical significance to solve the environmental and energy problems caused by oil spill. In view of the disadvantages of water absorption and oil absorption of polyurethane sponge, a hydrophobic sponge was prepared by pretreatment and soaking with silane coupling agent. In order to further improve the oil absorption, the surface grafting method was adopted. Using butyl acrylate (BA) as monomer, divinylbenzene (DVB) as crosslinking agent and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator, the surface grafted polyurethane sponge was prepared at a certain temperature. The composition of sponge before and after modification was analyzed by IR, and the thermal stability of the product was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis. By orthogonal test, the optimum preparation conditions were obtained as follows: reaction temperature 80 擄C, reaction time 4 h, initiator concentration 9% of pu mass, crosslinking agent concentration 0.5% and mass ratio of BA to pu sponge 2: 1. Under the optimum conditions, the absorptivity of modified sponge in toluene and carbon tetrachloride were 62.4 g / g and 49.1 g / g, respectively, the absorptivity in water was 5.06 g / g, the contact angle to water was 124.88 擄, and the oil absorption rate was relatively fast. It has a good application prospect in oil spill recovery. In view of the disadvantages of poor mechanical properties and easy dissolution of polystyrene fibers in non-polar organic solvents, a high oil absorption ratio was obtained by electrospinning of polystyrene (PS) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) blends. Good mechanical properties, reusable electrostatic spinning fiber. The effects of PS/PAN (mass ratio), concentration of spinning solution, voltage, temperature, receiving distance, humidity, nozzle diameter and propulsion speed on the morphology and oil absorption properties of electrostatic spinning fiber were investigated. The variation of oil absorption ratio with time, the reusability of fiber and the buoyancy on water surface were investigated, and the surface element distribution of PS/PAN fiber was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the optimal preparation conditions of PS/PAN fiber are as follows: the mass ratio of w / PS / pan is 5 / 5, the concentration of spinning solution is 18 wts, the voltage is 25 kV, the temperature is 30 擄C, the receiving distance is 10 cm, the humidity is 40 cm, the nozzle diameter is 0.6 mm, and the speed of propulsion is 0.1 mm / s. Fiber absorbency in different oils: vacuum pump oil 194.85 g / g, peanut oil 131.70 g / g, diesel oil 66.75 g / g, gasoline 43.38 g / g, and the oil absorption process conforms to the second-order kinetic equation. The contact angle of fiber to diesel oil is 0 擄, and the contact angle to water is 144.32 擄, showing excellent hydrophobicity. The fiber can be reused many times by extrusion and solvent soaking, and has good buoyancy. It can be used for oil spill treatment on water surface.


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