
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 材料論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-08-14 08:48
[Abstract]:High precision and controllable fabrication of nanostructures is one of the important limiting factors to the development of miniaturization of devices, and electron irradiation based on transmission electron microscope (TEM) is expected to promote the process of nanofabrication. High energy electron beam in transmission electron microscope can be used not only for atomic structure imaging, but also for in situ irradiation processing. Therefore, the study of electron irradiation effect based on transmission electron microscope not only helps to explore the structure stability and structural evolution of materials under electron irradiation at atomic scale, but also helps to better understand the process of electron irradiation. It provides theoretical basis and experimental basis for high precision and controllable fabrication of nanostructures. In this paper, several common electron irradiation effects are briefly introduced, and the research progress of in situ irradiation of graphene, boron nitride, transition metal sulfur compounds and other two-dimensional layered materials using transmission electron microscopy in recent years is reviewed. It provides a reference for the further study of the stability and precision of two-dimensional materials and the controllable fabrication of low dimensional nanostructures.
【作者單位】: 東南大學(xué)FEI納皮米中心MEMS教育部重點實驗室;東南大學(xué)-蒙納什大學(xué)蘇州聯(lián)合研究院先進(jìn)材料與制造中心;東南大學(xué)-江南石墨烯研究院先進(jìn)碳材料應(yīng)用聯(lián)合研發(fā)中心;
【基金】:國家自然科學(xué)基金(51420105003,61274114,11327901,61601116,11674052) 國家杰出青年科學(xué)基金(11525415) 江蘇省自然科學(xué)基金(BK2012024)資助


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