

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 09:25

  本文關鍵詞:吉林省地方高校在區(qū)域發(fā)展創(chuàng)新中的作用 出處:《延邊大學》2013年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 吉林省 地方高校 區(qū)域創(chuàng)新體系 發(fā)展路徑

【摘要】:隨著當今世界經(jīng)濟的迅猛發(fā)展,區(qū)域創(chuàng)新體系的建立成為推動經(jīng)濟向前發(fā)展的熱點問題,目前,我國的社會主義經(jīng)濟建設正處于非常關鍵的時期,國家的綜合經(jīng)濟實力和競爭力的提升必須要建立在區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系的基礎之上,而地方高校作為我國高等教育的重要分支,不僅對經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展有著重要的影響,更對區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系的建立起決定性的作用,如何突出地方高校在區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系當中的主導地位就成為未來我國經(jīng)濟創(chuàng)新發(fā)展的關鍵。本文正是以此為背景,以吉林省地方高校在其區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系當中的發(fā)展路徑進行研究,對地方高校和區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系的供給關系進行分析,并針對存在的具體問題進行深入的討論,從而提出相應的解決措施。 研究發(fā)現(xiàn),目前,吉林省地方高校和區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系之間供求矛盾較為突出,地方高校不能夠完全為區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展提供創(chuàng)新人才,筆者認為,造成這一問題出現(xiàn)的原因有以下幾個方面: 第一,政府重視程度不夠,缺乏對地方高校的相應資金和政策支持; 第二,地方高校缺乏高級創(chuàng)新人才,學校創(chuàng)新能力有所欠缺; 第三,地方高校將科研成果轉化為產(chǎn)品的效率較低; 第四,高等職業(yè)教育跟不上經(jīng)濟時代的發(fā)展要求。 針對這些問題,本人從加大資金投入、完善管理制度、科學定位人才培養(yǎng)目標,突出人才培養(yǎng)特色、積極發(fā)展特色學科,創(chuàng)建學科平臺、加強大學科技園建設,完成科學研究和產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)的良性循環(huán)和發(fā)揮高等職業(yè)教育功能,完善創(chuàng)新鏈條五個方面提出了具體的解決措施,為地方高校在區(qū)域創(chuàng)新發(fā)展體系的路徑建設提供理論參考。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the world economy, the establishment of regional innovation system has become a hot issue to promote the economic development. At present, the socialist economic construction in China is in a very critical period. The promotion of national comprehensive economic strength and competitiveness must be based on the regional innovation and development system, and local colleges and universities as an important branch of higher education in China. It not only has an important impact on the economic development, but also plays a decisive role in the establishment of regional innovation development system. It is against this background that how to highlight the leading position of local universities in the regional innovation development system is the key to the future development of economic innovation in China. This paper analyzes the supply relationship between local universities and regional innovation development system by studying the development path of local colleges and universities in the regional innovation development system in Jilin province. And the existence of specific problems are discussed in depth, so as to put forward the corresponding solutions. At present, the contradiction between supply and demand between local universities and regional innovation development system in Jilin Province is more prominent, local colleges and universities can not completely provide innovative talents for regional innovation development, the author believes. The causes of this problem are as follows: First, the government does not pay enough attention to the local colleges and universities, lack of corresponding funds and policy support; Second, the local colleges and universities lack of advanced innovative talents, the school innovation ability is lacking; Third, the efficiency of turning scientific research results into products in local colleges and universities is relatively low; In 4th, higher vocational education could not keep up with the development requirements of the economic age. In view of these problems, I from the increase of capital investment, improve the management system, scientific positioning of talent training objectives, highlight the characteristics of talent training, actively develop characteristic disciplines, create a disciplinary platform. To strengthen the construction of university science and technology park, to complete the virtuous circle of scientific research and product production, to give full play to the function of higher vocational education, and to perfect the innovation chain, five specific solutions are put forward. This paper provides a theoretical reference for the path construction of regional innovation development system in local colleges and universities.


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