

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-28 03:10

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 德宏州 邊境旅游 演化博弈 利益相關(guān)者 出處:《云南財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization, the exchanges between countries in politics, economy and culture have been promoted, and the border areas between countries have gradually become hot areas of the country. Since 1978, China has opened ports to neighboring countries one after another. In 1992, the Lancang-Mekong sub-regional cooperation opened the door of China's sub-regional economic cooperation, and promoted the countries along the route (Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, The purpose of the big tourism circle of "Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar" is to open up the traffic network of the four countries' main tourist destinations adjacent to each other, so as to open up the tourism market. In addition, the "Belt and Road" strategic concept will be put forward to build Southeast Asia, The South Asian Community of Mutual benefit and Win-Win interests, on 2015, was the beginning of the overall advance of the "Belt and Road" strategy. Therefore, the establishment of the "Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar" tourism circle and the implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy will both promote close exchanges between neighboring countries. This article focuses on the Sino-Myanmar border of Dehong Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, which brings an important opportunity for the development of border tourism. Since ancient times, China and Myanmar have had a deep "cyborg" friendship, and have long adhered to good-neighborly and friendly exchanges, so this paper focuses on the border between China and Myanmar in Dehong Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. With four highway ports and one aviation spot as the breakthrough point, the paper highlights the advantages of geographical location and tourism resources in port areas, analyzes and discusses the countermeasures of Dehong's border tourism development. The article is divided into seven parts. The first part is introduction. Starting with the research background, this paper expounds the significance of the research, combs, summarizes and summarizes the research trends at home and abroad, points out the research methods, and summarizes the contents and ideas of the article through the research frame map. The second part defines the concept and research scope of border tourism, clarifies the theoretical basis of the paper, the third part starts with the geographical location and tourism resources of Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, through statistics of tourism data, Through the above analysis, the main stakeholders in the development of border tourism in Dehong Prefecture are summarized in 4th, and their respective demands in the process of border tourism development are expounded in detail. Part 5th from the vision of evolutionary game, through the construction of a model to analyze the main stakeholders of the game process, to find out the key causes of conflicts and conflicts between the main stakeholders; part 6th, In order to solve the contradictions and conflicts between the main body of interests and promote the development of border tourism, the author finally puts forward the development countermeasures from three aspects. Part 7th is a summary of the full text, pointing out the shortcomings of the research, and looking forward to the future.


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