

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-25 10:36

  本文選題:農(nóng)業(yè)公司 切入點(diǎn):公司發(fā)展 出處:《石河子大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper is based on the theory of enterprise growth, the theory of enterprise capability, the theory of enterprise resources, the analysis of domestic and foreign research, the combination of empirical and theoretical, quantitative and qualitative. By combining empirical analysis with normative analysis, this paper analyzes the development of agricultural companies in Bingtuan Tuanchang. The aim is to increase the added value of products, increase the profits of the companies, and strengthen the strength of agricultural companies. Based on the investigation data and the relevant data in the statistical yearbook, the paper analyzes the current situation of the development of agricultural companies in the bingtuan tuanchang, and finds out the problems existing in the development of the agricultural companies, and then establishes a multivariate linear regression model. This paper analyzes the restrictive factors of the development of agricultural companies in order to provide the basis for putting forward reasonable countermeasures and suggestions, and finally puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions suitable for the development of agricultural companies in Bingtuan Farm. Providing scientific basis and technical support for the long-term development of the agricultural company of the bingtuan farm, which is of great significance to the development of the company. In the research on the agricultural company of the bingtuan farm, it is found that its development problems are mainly focused on internal management, products and talents, In the internal management, it is mainly reflected in the unsound management system and the weak management consciousness of the management personnel; in the product aspect, it mainly focuses on the depth of product processing, the content of science and technology, the competitiveness and the brand of the product. Market development and other directions are relatively weak, in terms of talent mainly concentrated on the seasonal brain drain, the ability to retain and talent incentive and other directions, there are shortcomings; In the aspect of capital, we mainly focus on the lack of liquidity funds and the difficulty of financing. In summary, we put forward some development suggestions for various problems, such as increasing the variety of products, learning new technology, perfecting performance evaluation, paying attention to the shaping of corporate culture. Improve the asset management system, learn from the experience of large agricultural companies, etc. This paper has the following innovations: 1. After analyzing the current situation and problems of the development of the company through the questionnaire survey, The method of multivariate stepwise regression analysis is used to eliminate the variables with less influence, so as to obtain the best regression model. It provides evidence for the research on the development of agricultural companies in the bingtuan tuanchang. In this paper, through the restrictive factors of the development of the company, the emphasis on talents is defined. Management and other directions of the development of the willingness to more in line with the development of the Corps farm agricultural companies.


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