

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-24 23:37

  本文選題:農(nóng)村土地流轉(zhuǎn) 切入點(diǎn):土地制度 出處:《河北科技師范學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The land system is a basic system of social system Chinese economy, and reform of land system is the core content of rural economic system reform in our country. To build a well-off society and the construction of China characteristic agriculture modernization background in China, rural land circulation is imperative, is mature day by day to establish and improve the rural land transfer system the timing of Qinhuangdao city. As a higher level of agricultural industrialization in Hebei Province, in the premise of policy and practice system of the state and a series of measures to promote local rural land circulation to implement, has achieved certain results in at the same time also exposed a series of problems, resulting in rural land circulation in Qinhuangdao city has not started late, but it has been slow to develop. In this paper, on the basis of literature research, put forward the background, purpose and significance, and from different angles The degree of literature at home and abroad were reviewed and summarized, as the theoretical foundation for the research. Secondly, from the macro and micro analysis of two layer face the problem of rural land circulation in Qinhuangdao city is studied. From the macroscopic point of view, the development of a systematic combing of the rural land system transition, and the evolution of land policy, not only pointed out the historical inevitability of the development of rural land, but also shows that Qinhuangdao City, rural land circulation is the positive response to the call of the policy, take advantage of the line. On the other hand, respectively make a comparative analysis of four major economic regions in China and four areas of rural land in Hebei Province, found that although the circulation of rural land in Eastern Economic Zone Qinhuangdao City, the remarkable results, not only the total circulation area, and faster, but the Jidong area land circulation scale ranking, realize the transfer of Qinhuangdao City The land area is lower than the average level of Hebei province. From the micro perspective, based on the reality of Qinhuangdao's economic development, the current situation of rural land circulation in Qinhuangdao city study, puts forward the current rural land circulation in Qinhuangdao city is small, short duration, single form, price is not stable, the operation is not standardized, frequent disputes and security are not out of to solve such problems, and from the local farmers' awareness, transfer policy, transfer service mechanism, four aspects of the rural social security system, analyzes the restricting factors. At the end of the study in Qinhuangdao, the present situation of rural land circulation and restrict factors, put forward to perfect the rural land circulation in Qinhuangdao city.





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