

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-24 20:45

  本文選題:晉城市 切入點(diǎn):創(chuàng)新主體 出處:《太原科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the National Science and Technology Innovation Strategy, How to set up a perfect science and technology innovation system and accurately locate the main body of science and technology innovation has become the basic condition to promote the smooth implementation of science and technology innovation strategy. In order to build a national innovation system with high efficiency and coordination, it is clearly required to strengthen the position and leading role of enterprises in innovation, to give full play to the technological leading role of scientific research institutions, to give play to the role of the foundation and new forces of colleges and universities, and to cut the main body of scientific and technological innovation into account. This paper analyzes the evolution of the main bodies of universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises by using the theory of synergy, determines the status of the innovation subjects of enterprises, stimulates the innovative vitality of all kinds of subjects, and makes the main bodies interact with each other in a synergistic way. From the perspective of Synergetic Theory and philosophy of Science and Technology, and taking the main body of agricultural scientific and technological innovation in Jincheng City of Shanxi Province as an example, this paper analyzes the comprehensive innovation ability of the main bodies of agricultural scientific and technological innovation in Jincheng City. To establish the agricultural enterprise as the core innovation subject. The present situation and the future development trend of agricultural science and technology innovation main body are analyzed. The concept of innovation subject and the theoretical basis of enterprise as innovation subject are established. Firstly, the concept of science and technology innovation subject is accurately positioned, then the function and innovation ability of each main body is analyzed. Secondly, based on the order parameter of Synergetics, the author analyzes the concept of innovation subject. The main body of science and technology innovation is analyzed in theory. The selection of the main body of agricultural scientific and technological innovation is theoretically analyzed. The inevitability of enterprises becoming the main body of agricultural scientific and technological innovation is explained, and the current situation of agricultural scientific and technological innovation in Jincheng is expounded. This paper analyzes the development process of typical enterprises in Jincheng city, and analyzes the advantages of enterprises as the main body of agricultural scientific and technological innovation. Through the analysis of the overall data of enterprises in Jincheng City, the innovation ability of agricultural scientific and technological innovation enterprises in Jincheng City is analyzed. Belonging to the regions with poor innovation ability in Shanxi Province, the foundation of scientific and technological innovation is weak and the investment in scientific research funds is insufficient. Finally, by analyzing the problems existing in agricultural enterprises in Jincheng City, the measures for enterprises to cultivate themselves into the main body of agricultural scientific and technological innovation from the inside by making up their own short board and promoting their innovation ability are given. And the government to consolidate the core position of enterprises as the main body of agricultural science and technology innovation through the policy means of external intervention in science and technology innovation.


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