

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-24 16:53

  本文選題:外商直接投資 切入點:山東農業(yè) 出處:《山東理工大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The development of foreign investment in the agricultural industry mainly began in the 1980s and became more and more active. Shandong Province has already made some achievements in this respect. In this study, foreign direct investment and Shandong agriculture are the foundation of the research. To understand the theories related to foreign direct investment and agriculture and the actual situation in Shandong Province, and to understand the use and development of foreign direct investment in Shandong Province as a whole. The advantages and disadvantages of agricultural FDI utilization in Shandong Province are summarized. In the study, the data of the utilization of foreign investment in agriculture in all counties and cities of Shandong Province are analyzed by means of an open questionnaire survey. According to the existing research situation, this paper analyzes the influence variables that affect foreign investment in agricultural enterprises, and thinks that there are 11 main influence variables. The data are analyzed and sorted by AHP, and the experts in the field score and judge. It is concluded that the agricultural economy and agricultural population transfer of Shandong agriculture are greatly affected by foreign direct investment. On this basis, different metrological models are constructed, ADF test and cointegration test are adopted. The heteroscedasticity test, Granger causality test, regression analysis and other methods are used to analyze the economic and employment effects. There is a long-term equilibrium relationship between FDI and economic growth in Shandong Province. FDI can make agricultural GDP change. Moreover, it is the Granger that promotes the employment of the service industry in Shandong. Moreover, it will also make the agricultural GDP of Shandong Province very important. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is closely related to the development of agriculture in Shandong. In this paper, the impact of agricultural economy and agricultural employment in Shandong is systematically analyzed, and the current market situation at home and abroad is also analyzed. In order to promote the development of Shandong's agricultural industrialization and promote Shandong's agricultural economic growth, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the utilization of foreign direct investment in Shandong's agriculture.


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