

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-30 08:10
【摘要】:旅游目的地形象在近40年來成為國際旅游學(xué)術(shù)界最為流行的研究領(lǐng)域之一。當(dāng)旅游文化在旅游業(yè)中所起的靈魂和支柱作用隨著旅游業(yè)的迅猛發(fā)展而逐漸得到認可的同時,作為旅游地文化濃縮和旅游地形象構(gòu)建的點睛之筆的旅游地形象主題詞的設(shè)計也越來越受到重視,尤其是在中國這樣一個從來都不缺乏旅游文化精神的國度。 旅游地形象主題詞是通過精練的詞組或句子對旅游地形象的主題概述和創(chuàng)意表達,其特殊的內(nèi)涵和本質(zhì)特征也是與城市形象表述詞相區(qū)別的關(guān)鍵。概覽我國119座國家歷史文化名城所推出的旅游地形象主題詞,從選取的主要項目指標(biāo)、各省(直轄市、自治區(qū))名城數(shù)量及與中國優(yōu)秀旅游城市名錄等方面進行統(tǒng)計分析,可以看出我國城市旅游地形象主題詞在句式結(jié)構(gòu)、創(chuàng)意角度和發(fā)展方面的特征。同時也揭示了旅游地形象主題詞在自身層面存在的主題定位不明確、創(chuàng)意缺乏、專業(yè)性不足、與城市形象表述詞混淆等問題,在推廣層面存在的政府重視不夠、宣傳方式單一、缺乏相應(yīng)的主題活動支撐等問題。針對這些問題,從以目的地特征分析和市場分析為基礎(chǔ)的旅游地形象主題定位,理想旅游地形象主題詞打造,旅游地形象主題詞內(nèi)外部推廣三方面提出完善優(yōu)化的對策,,并將“香港,樂在此·愛在此”旅游地形象主題詞的成功推廣案例作為借鑒。 只有精雕細琢、千錘百煉才能打磨出旅游地形象主題詞的至上精品,才能彰顯旅游文化在我國旅游業(yè)發(fā)展中的靈魂支柱作用。
[Abstract]:The tourist destination image has become one of the most popular research fields in the international tourism academic circles in the past 40 years. When the soul and pillar of the tourism culture in the tourism industry is gradually recognized with the rapid development of the tourism industry, the tourist terrain is the crowning touch of the cultural enrichment of tourist sites and the construction of the tourist destination image. More and more attention has been paid to the design of thematic words, especially in China, a country which never lacks the spirit of tourism culture.
The theme words of the tourist destination image are the theme and creative expression of the tourist destination image through the scouring phrases or sentences. The special connotation and the essential characteristics are also the key to the difference between the urban image expression words. A survey of the theme words of the tourist destination image introduced by the 119 national historical and cultural cities of China, from the selected main item indicators, The number of famous cities in provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) and the list of excellent tourist cities in China are statistically analyzed. It can be seen that the theme words of the urban tourism image in China are characterized by the structure of the sentence structure, the creative angle and the development. Lack, lack of professionalism, confusion with urban image expression words, and other problems, such as the lack of government attention, single publicity and lack of corresponding theme activities on the promotion level. In view of these problems, the theme location of the tourist destination image based on the analysis of destination features and market analysis is the theme of the ideal tourist destination image. To build and promote the three aspects of the theme words and external promotion of the tourist destination image, we put forward the countermeasures to improve the optimization, and the successful promotion cases of "Hongkong, Le here love here" tourist destination image as a reference.
Only by refinement and refinement can the supreme quality of the theme words of the tourist destination be grind out, and the role of the tourism culture in the development of the tourism industry in China can be highlighted.


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1 王f^;旅游目的地形象的提升研究[D];華東師范大學(xué);2006年




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