

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-29 18:15
【摘要】:隨著海洋世紀的到來,人類已步入了一個全而開發(fā)和利用海洋的時代。發(fā)展海洋經(jīng)濟,保護海洋生態(tài)環(huán)境,建設海洋強國,這對中民族偉大復興具有決定性的意義。 目前我國的海洋生態(tài)旅游研究尚處于不完善階段,通過生態(tài)旅游實現(xiàn)海洋經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和海洋生態(tài)資源保護“雙贏”的效果還沒有充分顯現(xiàn)。本文以南麂列島國家海洋自然保護區(qū)為例,從生態(tài)旅游的適宜性進行客觀分析,為南麂島海洋生態(tài)旅游的合理開發(fā)提出了建議。 本文共分六章。笫一章闡述海洋生態(tài)旅游的研究背景和目的意義、國內外研究現(xiàn)狀、研究方法、內容及創(chuàng)新。第二章闡述海洋生態(tài)旅游的相關理論,為本文的研究提供理論基礎。第三章對南麂列島旅游發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀進行分析,通過描述性方法從旅游資源、交通、服務和基礎設施等方面進行了分析,并通過客源市場的調查和旅游經(jīng)營狀況的分析,充分了解南麂島旅游發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀和存在問題。經(jīng)過研究發(fā)現(xiàn),南麂島旅游已經(jīng)發(fā)展到了一定的階段,為生態(tài)旅游提供了發(fā)展的基礎。第四章對南麂列島海洋生態(tài)旅游發(fā)展存在的問題進行綜合分析。本章通過運用描述性方法對南麂島生態(tài)旅游發(fā)展中所存在的問題進行分析。第五章從生態(tài)保護、空間布局、旅游設施、旅游產(chǎn)品、人才培育和旅游營銷等方面,提出南麂列島海洋生態(tài)旅游發(fā)展建議和對策。笫六章總結了本文的研究結論,并對未來的研究進行了展望。 本文認為,海洋生態(tài)旅游是實現(xiàn)海洋旅游業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的有效途徑,要在保護基礎上科學、合理地推進開發(fā)利用海洋生態(tài)資源。本文在對南麂列島生態(tài)旅游開發(fā)條件進行調查分析的基礎上,提出“中心集聚、軸狀延仲、兩翼環(huán)繞”的總體構架,以構建“一心五區(qū)兩帶”功能分區(qū)的空間布局開發(fā)南麂列島。在旅游產(chǎn)品設計上,提出大沙岙濱海休閑游、三盤尾生態(tài)探秘游、竹柴百嶼勝景體驗游,文人雅士詩意游、海島漁夫體驗游、海洋生態(tài)療養(yǎng)游、海洋生態(tài)科普游、回鄉(xiāng)省親尋根游等旅游產(chǎn)品的設想,并建議以“碧海仙山、貝藻王國、生態(tài)南麂”的形象加以推廣等等,為南麂列島旅游發(fā)展提供參考和依據(jù)。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the ocean century, mankind has entered an era of full exploitation and utilization of the ocean. The development of marine economy, the protection of marine ecological environment and the construction of marine power are of decisive significance to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At present, the study of marine ecotourism in China is still in the imperfect stage, and the effect of "win-win" of marine economic development and marine ecological resources protection through ecotourism has not been fully shown. Taking the National Marine Nature Reserve of Nanji Islands as an example, this paper makes an objective analysis on the suitability of ecotourism, and puts forward some suggestions for the rational development of marine ecotourism in Nanji Island. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter describes the research background and significance of marine ecotourism, domestic and foreign research status, research methods, content and innovation. The second chapter elaborates the related theories of marine ecotourism, which provides the theoretical basis for the research of this paper. The third chapter analyzes the present situation of tourism development in Nanji Islands, analyzes the tourism resources, transportation, service and infrastructure through descriptive methods, and analyzes the tourist market and tourism management situation. Fully understand the tourism development of Nansui Island and existing problems. It is found that the tourism of Nansui Island has developed to a certain stage, which provides the basis for the development of ecotourism. The fourth chapter comprehensively analyzes the problems existing in the development of marine ecotourism in Nanji Islands. This chapter analyzes the problems existing in the development of ecological tourism in Nansui Island by using descriptive method. The fifth chapter puts forward suggestions and countermeasures for the development of marine ecotourism in Nanji Islands from the aspects of ecological protection, spatial layout, tourism facilities, tourism products, talent cultivation and tourism marketing. Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusion of this paper and prospects for future research. This paper holds that marine ecotourism is an effective way to realize the sustainable development of marine tourism. It is necessary to promote the development and utilization of marine ecological resources on the basis of protection. Based on the investigation and analysis of the conditions of eco-tourism development in Nanji archipelago, this paper puts forward the overall framework of "central agglomeration, axial extension, two wings around". In order to construct the space layout of "one mind five zones and two belts", the Nanji archipelago is developed. In the design of tourism products, it is proposed that Dasha'ao coastal leisure tour, three trailing ecological exploration tour, bamboo Chaibaiyu scenic spot experience tour, literati poetry tour, island fisherman experience tour, marine ecological recuperation tour, marine ecological science tourism, In order to provide reference and basis for tourism development of Nanji Islands, it is suggested to popularize the image of "Bihai Xianshan, Beizao Kingdom, Eco-Nanji" and so on.


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