

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-29 11:51
[Abstract]:In the context of modern tourism development, the study of "tourist satisfaction", which is the core concept of tourism consumer behavior, has become the most important part of the study of tourism academia and the policy makers of tourism enterprises. In fact, the research conclusions of tourists' satisfaction are usually able to understand tourist consumption for tourist destinations. Preference and its own advantages and disadvantages of providing products and services, and ultimately providing valuable reference information for making a scientific and reasonable marketing strategy, which is also a realistic starting point for the tourism academia and the tourism industry to carry out in-depth research on this. Therefore, how to more fully and effectively evaluate the satisfaction of tourists and to find out the influence of the tourists is full. The factors of meaning and its influence mechanism have become an important issue in the academic and industry fields. At the present stage, in the background of experience times, tourists are more and more interested in seeking an unforgettable experience in the course of tourism, and the demand for tourism experience is becoming higher and higher. We not only want to feel the exotic scenery, but also want to experience local customs and cultural customs. They are willing to pay to experience a pleasant and memorable experience. Tourism in Hong Kong has become the highlight of the outbound tourism in the mainland of China. In recent years, with the improvement of the living standards of the mainland residents, the leisure time has come to a good time. With the increasing number of time and frequent exchanges between the two places, the mainland has become the largest tourist market for tourism in Hongkong. The current research on the satisfaction of tourists to the mainland has widely existed in various departments of tourism services in Hongkong, such as hotels, airlines, cruise ships and so on, but there are few studies on the overall satisfaction of travel to Hong Kong. It is of great significance to investigate the factors affecting tourists' satisfaction and their interaction mechanism, including the tourist experience of the mainland visitors to Hongkong, so as to further realize the healthy and sustainable development of tourist demand for tourists. This study expounds the intension of tourists' full meaning from two aspects of cognition and emotion, and thinks that the satisfaction of tourists is not satisfactory. Only the process of tourists' perception of tourist destinations is a process of emotional experience. The satisfaction of tourists to the whole tour is not only influenced by the expectation of the travel and the quality of the service on the way, but also influenced by the tourist experience during the tourist process. Therefore, this article is expected to be a real performance model. On the basis of the introduction of the important concept of tourist experience, a theoretical model which includes tourist expectation, service quality, tourist experience and tourist satisfaction is set up. On the basis of the focus group discussion and questionnaire survey, the variables are measured on the basis of the focus group discussion and questionnaire survey, and the empirical analysis of the structural equation model is used. Research methods, explore the relationship among the variables in the model, verify the hypothesis proposed in this paper, and draw the following conclusions: (1) service quality and tourist experience are important determinants of tourist satisfaction; (2) tourist experience can be divided into shopping experience, tourism activities and facilities experience, learning experience and self realization experience of four dimensions; (3) The tourists' expectation has a strong direct and direct influence on the quality of service, but there is a negative impact on all dimensions of the tourist experience, and the direct negative impact on the learning experience and self realization experience is significant. (4) the quality of service has a significant positive impact on the tourist experience of all dimensions and tourist satisfaction, and the quality of service is also traveling through the tourist experience. Customer satisfaction has an indirect effect, in which three dimensions of shopping experience, learning experience and self realization experience play a significant intermediary effect in the indirect impact of service quality on tourist satisfaction. (5) the direction and degree of the impact of tourist experience on tourist satisfaction is different, and only the self realization experience is directly positive and significant in the four dimensions. Finally, according to the research findings, the article draws the corresponding enlightenment from practice management.


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