

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-25 20:13
【摘要】:隨著創(chuàng)意時代的來臨,旅游市場上出現(xiàn)了一種新型的旅游方式——創(chuàng)意旅游,創(chuàng)意旅游的興起,代表著旅游業(yè)又將迎來一個新的發(fā)展熱潮。然而由于創(chuàng)意旅游在國內(nèi)外起步都比較晚,發(fā)展尚未成熟,在開展過程中也出現(xiàn)了一系列問題,比如旅游創(chuàng)意缺乏、開發(fā)模式落后等。筆者認為,并不是所有旅游目的地都適合發(fā)展創(chuàng)意旅游,要從根本上解決創(chuàng)意旅游發(fā)展過程中出現(xiàn)的問題,最有效的做法就是從源頭抓起,構(gòu)建一套符合我國創(chuàng)意旅游發(fā)展特點的評價指標體系。針對這一課題,筆者運用文獻研究法、專家訪談法、層次分析法和實證研究法,構(gòu)建創(chuàng)意旅游發(fā)展條件的綜合評價指標體系,并且利用該體系對杭州市余杭區(qū)創(chuàng)意旅游條件進行評估,然后根據(jù)評估結(jié)果提出了相應(yīng)的對策。 首先,在分析國內(nèi)外創(chuàng)意旅游評價指標體系研究綜述的基礎(chǔ)上,深入探討了創(chuàng)意旅游的定義、特征、類型及發(fā)展形態(tài)等,然后分析了發(fā)展創(chuàng)意旅游應(yīng)該遵循的理論基礎(chǔ),包括創(chuàng)新理論、體驗經(jīng)濟理論、社區(qū)參與理論和旅游區(qū)位理論等。 其次,構(gòu)建創(chuàng)意旅游發(fā)展條件的綜合評價指標體系。在理論研究的基礎(chǔ)上,參照創(chuàng)意旅游相關(guān)研究成果,按照評價指標構(gòu)建原則,采用經(jīng)驗預(yù)選和專家訪談法,將創(chuàng)意旅游發(fā)展條件的指標體系分為總體層、系統(tǒng)層、要素層和指標層四個層次。構(gòu)建指標體系的總體目標是衡量一個地區(qū)是否具有發(fā)展創(chuàng)意旅游的條件和潛能,總體層下分為資源條件、區(qū)域旅游條件、環(huán)境條件以及利益相關(guān)者因素和開發(fā)潛力五個子系統(tǒng),系統(tǒng)層下由旅游資源、創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)、創(chuàng)意人才等14個相關(guān)要素組成了要素層,要素層下又包含了45個具體指標。接著運用層次分析法,確定系統(tǒng)層、要素層和指標層的權(quán)重;然后采用主觀與客觀評價相結(jié)合的方法,建立開發(fā)條件的評價標準,并對各評價指標進行賦值。 再次,選取杭州市余杭區(qū)作為實證研究對象,對余杭區(qū)發(fā)展創(chuàng)意旅游的條件進行驗證,通過對各指標權(quán)重的計算和評價,得出余杭區(qū)創(chuàng)意旅游發(fā)展條件的綜合得分為75.345,具備發(fā)展創(chuàng)意旅游的條件,其中余杭區(qū)發(fā)展創(chuàng)意旅游的環(huán)境條件比較好,而開發(fā)潛力尚且有待進一步挖掘。據(jù)此,筆者提出了深入挖掘余杭區(qū)創(chuàng)意旅游開發(fā)潛力的相應(yīng)對策。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the creative era, a new type of tourism, creative tourism, has emerged in the tourism market. The rise of creative tourism represents that tourism will usher in a new upsurge. However, due to the late start of creative tourism at home and abroad, the development is not yet mature, there are a series of problems in the process of development, such as the lack of creative tourism, the development model behind and so on. In my opinion, not all tourist destinations are suitable for developing creative tourism. The most effective way to solve the problems in the development of creative tourism is to start from the source. Construct a set of evaluation index system that accords with the characteristics of creative tourism development in China. To solve this problem, the author uses literature research, expert interview, analytic hierarchy process and empirical research to construct a comprehensive evaluation index system for the development conditions of creative tourism. This system is used to evaluate the creative tourism conditions in Yuhang District of Hangzhou City, and then the corresponding countermeasures are put forward according to the evaluation results. First of all, on the basis of analyzing the domestic and foreign creative tourism evaluation index system, this paper deeply discusses the definition, characteristics, types and development forms of creative tourism, and then analyzes the theoretical basis that should be followed in the development of creative tourism. It includes innovation theory, experience economy theory, community participation theory and tourism location theory. Secondly, construct the comprehensive evaluation index system of creative tourism development conditions. On the basis of theoretical research, according to the related research results of creative tourism, according to the construction principle of evaluation index, using the method of experience pre-selection and expert interview, the index system of the development conditions of creative tourism is divided into general layer and system layer. Element layer and index layer four levels. The overall goal of constructing the index system is to measure whether a region has the conditions and potentials to develop creative tourism. The overall level is divided into five subsystems: resource conditions, regional tourism conditions, environmental conditions, stakeholder factors and exploitation potential. The system layer is composed of 14 related factors, such as tourism resources, creative industry, creative talents, etc. Then, the weight of system layer, element layer and index layer is determined by AHP, and then the evaluation standard of development condition is established by combining subjective evaluation with objective evaluation, and each evaluation index is assigned. Thirdly, select Yuhang District of Hangzhou as the empirical research object, verify the conditions of developing creative tourism in Yuhang District, and calculate and evaluate the weight of each index. The comprehensive score of the development conditions of creative tourism in Yuhang District is 75.345, which has the conditions of developing creative tourism, among which the environmental conditions of developing creative tourism in Yuhang District are better, but the development potential needs to be further explored. Accordingly, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to excavate the potential of creative tourism development in Yuhang district.


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