

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-25 08:14
[Abstract]:In terms of artistic form and style, although the development of Jingdezhen porcelain industry has experienced more than 1000 years of history, its real sense of innovation began from the 1950s, which originated from the innovation of its design concept. However, the evolution from ceramic art to ceramic art appeared in the 1980s. As a result of the influx of western modern art ideas, some famous artists injected fresh blood into Jingdezhen ceramic art. The introspection of industrialization and the criticism and doubt of traditional arts and crafts aesthetics have promoted the innovation of Jingdezhen's modern ceramic art concept with a history of more than 30 years. On this road, modern ceramic art gradually emerged from the traditional ceramic art, formed, developed, matured in Jingdezhen, and gradually formed its own artistic style. Jingdezhen modern ceramic art has become an independent category in Jingdezhen ceramic art. Although these works have not formed a unified style and style, they have rebelled against tradition. From the thinking of art and the transcendence of reality, we can see that Jingdezhen's modern ceramic art is different from the self-improvement of traditional ceramics and the difference between Jingdezhen's modern ceramic art and the western modern ceramic art's open creative idea. In recent years, in the development of Jingdezhen ceramics, modern ceramic art concept gradually shows unique aesthetic taste and artistic characteristics, mainly for diversity, autonomy and openness. But at the same time, we should also see the problems in its development, because of the conflict between western open culture and Chinese traditional conservative culture, the contradiction between pure art and commercialization, the influence of technology and craft, etc. Jingdezhen modern pottery creation concept is also facing a new round of reform and innovation. Through the detailed analysis of the development process and background of Jingdezhen's modern ceramic art, this paper uses the concept of conceptual art to explain the innovative elements in its concept, and summarizes some progress achievements and desirable points in its development, at the same time, Trying to find out the confusion and bottleneck encountered in the innovation of Jingdezhen's modern ceramic art concept, and break away from the fetters of blind utilitarian creative idea, To the existing ceramic art concept expansion and to the national essence cultural idea inheritance these three aspects proposed the feasible solution thought.


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