

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-24 18:14
【摘要】:隨著社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,人們的生活水平不斷提高,對于高品位的生活越來越向往。體驗經(jīng)濟時代的來臨又使消費者對于情感和個性的需求不斷上升,人們越來越追求個性化和自主化,因此各種形式的專項旅游發(fā)展迅速。酒莊旅游可以說既是一種專項旅游,又能滿足人們對于高品位生活的追求還能滿足人們其他多元化的旅游需求,具有廣闊的發(fā)展前景。事實上酒莊旅游在國外盛行已久,而在我國還剛剛處于起步階段,許多旅游企業(yè)和葡萄酒相關(guān)的企業(yè)還沒有認識到對酒莊進行旅游開發(fā)的重要性。對酒莊進行旅游開發(fā)不管是對于旅游企業(yè)還是葡萄酒相關(guān)企業(yè)來說都可以起到宣傳企業(yè)形象、豐富企業(yè)產(chǎn)品體系、增加企業(yè)收入和促進企業(yè)發(fā)展等作用。因此戎子酒莊作為與葡萄酒直接相關(guān)的企業(yè),更應(yīng)該注重其有關(guān)于旅游方面的開發(fā)。 本論文通過對酒莊、酒莊旅游及旅游景區(qū)開發(fā)的相關(guān)理論進行研究,得出酒莊旅游開發(fā)的一般性思路。通過對戎子酒莊的旅游資源進行評價并利用SW0T分析法對酒莊的實際情況進行具體的分析從而得出戎子酒莊進行旅游開發(fā)的具體性、實踐性意見,并期望在此基礎(chǔ)上為國內(nèi)同類型企業(yè)的發(fā)展提供參考。文章主要的研究方法主要是運用歸納分析的方法對大量的文獻資料、相關(guān)著作進行整理、提取、以及分類的歸納和總結(jié)。然后通過實地考察和訪談等研究手段將實際獲取的資料與通過閱讀獲取的資料進行對比總結(jié)然后得出結(jié)論。即戎子酒莊的旅游開發(fā)可以從食、住、行、游、購、娛這六個構(gòu)成要素著手,從功能分區(qū)、旅游項目開發(fā)和線路設(shè)計等方面來進行,整合資源、合理布局,開發(fā)的過程中要注意酒莊相關(guān)基地和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的建設(shè)、品牌的宣傳和企業(yè)間的合作等。 文章一共兩大部分:理論部分和實證部分。具體又可以劃分為五章。其中第一章為引言部分,第二章為基礎(chǔ)研究部分,即文章的理論部分旨在為論文的深入研究提供了堅實的理論基礎(chǔ)。第三、四章為實踐論證部分。詳細介紹了戎子酒莊開發(fā)葡萄酒旅游產(chǎn)品的條件及開發(fā)內(nèi)容。最后,第五章為論文的結(jié)論部分,指出文章的不足與需要改進的地方。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, people's living standard is improving, and they yearn for high-grade life. With the coming of experience economy era, consumers' demand for emotion and personality is rising, and people are pursuing individuation and autonomy more and more. Therefore, various forms of special tourism are developing rapidly. Winery tourism can be said to be a kind of special tourism, but also to meet the pursuit of high-grade life and other diversified tourism needs, with broad prospects for development. In fact, winery tourism has been popular abroad for a long time, but in our country is just in its infancy, many tourism enterprises and wine-related enterprises have not realized the importance of tourism development of winery. The tourism development of winery can promote the image of the enterprise, enrich the product system, increase the income and promote the development of the enterprise, whether for the tourism enterprise or the wine related enterprise. Therefore, as a wine-related enterprise, Rong-tzu should pay more attention to its tourism development. Through the research on the theory of winery, winery tourism and tourism scenic spot development, the general idea of winery tourism development is obtained in this paper. Through the evaluation of the tourism resources of Rongzi winery and the concrete analysis of the actual situation of the winery by SW0T analysis, the concrete and practical opinions of tourism development of Rongzi winery are obtained. On this basis, we hope to provide reference for the development of domestic enterprises of the same type. The main research method of this paper is to use the method of inductive analysis to sort out, extract, classify and summarize a lot of documents and related works. Then, through field investigation and interviews, the actual data obtained and the data obtained through reading are compared and summarized, and then the conclusion is drawn. That is, the tourism development of Rong Zi Liquor can be carried out from the following six elements: food, shelter, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, from the aspects of functional zoning, tourism project development and route design, etc., to integrate resources and reasonably distribute them. In the process of development, attention should be paid to the establishment of related bases and infrastructure, brand promotion and cooperation among enterprises. There are two parts: theoretical part and empirical part. Specific can be divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, the second chapter is the basic research part, that is, the theoretical part of the paper aims to provide a solid theoretical basis for the in-depth study of the paper. The third, fourth chapter is the practice demonstration part. The conditions and contents of developing wine tourism products in Rongzi winery are introduced in detail. Finally, the fifth chapter is the conclusion of the paper, pointing out the shortcomings of the article and the need for improvement.


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2 于波;工業(yè)旅游對名牌企業(yè)發(fā)展的影響[D];對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學(xué);2004年

3 王琳;旅游產(chǎn)品開發(fā)設(shè)計研究[D];東北林業(yè)大學(xué);2007年





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