

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 06:21

  本文關鍵詞:企業(yè)集團關聯(lián)交易動機及轉(zhuǎn)移定價方法研究 出處:《華中科技大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 關聯(lián)交易動機 轉(zhuǎn)移定價方法 EVA

[Abstract]:In the rapid development of the global economy, the corporate organizational form is undergoing a rapid evolution. The development of transnational economy, cross-firm cooperation needs, make inter-firm alliance, expand. M & A and a series of business activities began to enrich frequently, which made the size of the company began to accumulate and expand, corporate organizational form from simple to single gradually presents a variety of complex trends. In addition. Many companies also began to expand the scope of business. Develop new products, open up new markets, to the social production links before, after infiltration, forming the occupation of the industrial value chain of the business layout. This is the so-called vertical integration of business. Therefore, with the complexity of business activities, the expansion of industrial scope, corporate groups, even multinational groups such as large-scale. A large number of complex corporate organizational forms have emerged. The rational allocation of internal resources is becoming more and more important to maximize corporate income, so commodity trade appears in the corporate group. The transaction price determined in the course of the transaction is the transfer price. Its basic characteristics are that it is separated from the constraints of the relationship between supply and demand in the general market, and with the use of related party transactions and transfer pricing in the corporate group more and more frequently and widely. Its advantages and disadvantages as well as transfer pricing methods have also been concerned by more and more scholars, and the practical significance of the study is growing. Firstly, this paper focuses on the motivation of related party transactions. From the internal management of the company group and some special motivation, this paper summarizes the discussion of related party transaction motivation in academic circles. Secondly, it takes 10 listed enterprises in the power industry as samples. Through the correlation analysis of the correlation between the degree of related transaction and the coefficient of profit stability, it is found that there is no statistically significant correlation between the relevant data of the selected sample company and the coefficient of profit stability. In other words, our ten sample companies do not have a large use of related party transactions to manipulate profits. Finally, this paper analyzes and compares the three major transfer pricing methods in the theoretical circle. Combining with the economic theory analysis of transfer pricing, this paper puts forward the innovative application of EVA in the internal transfer pricing method.


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