

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-08 15:11

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:基于引力模型的中國省際流入人口的行業(yè)分布 出處:《天津財經(jīng)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 省際流入人口 行業(yè)分布 引力模型改進 行于業(yè)集中度

[Abstract]:The size of China's migrant population has grown rapidly in recent years. The impact on regional economic development is also increasing. The management of floating population needs to be based on the structure of employment of floating population and its statistical data. The analysis of employment structure of floating population can be carried out by means of census and sample survey. The disadvantage of this kind of method is that it has low timeliness and high cost. Another analysis method is to construct the structure model of floating population employment. At present. There is no analysis model for the whole industry in the whole province of China. The individual industry model can not meet the needs of the government and the public in the analysis of the whole industry under the background of the current economic structure adjustment. This paper attempts to build a statistical model of the employment structure of the floating population. The gravity model is often used to estimate the migration flow. This paper uses the improved gravity model to calculate the industry inflow rate of the employment structure of the interprovincial inflow population and to reflect the different lines. The degree of dependence of the industry on the floating population. This paper estimates the industry inflow of China's inter-provincial inflow, analyzes the provincial distribution structure of the inflow population and the industry employment structure of the inflow population from the provincial and industry dimensions. The paper also defines the industry concentration in the provincial region. It is used to describe the industrial concentration of interprovincial inflow of people to employment, and to explore the relationship between the number of interprovincial industry inflow and the needs of industry employment. This paper also compares the gravity models of inter-provincial inflow of population between 2010 and 2013 in China. The results of this paper show that. The interprovincial inflow is mainly engaged in manufacturing, wholesale and retail, leasing and business services; And the proportion of floating population in the labor force of these three industries is relatively high. The regional differences of the industry inflow amount between provinces are significant. The manufacturing industry concentration in the eastern region is not high, so it can still absorb more interprovincial inflow population. In China, the western region can absorb more interprovincial inflow only by increasing the scale of manufacturing industry. Compared with 2010, the tertiary industry's attractiveness and dependence on the inflow of population increased relatively in 2013. The second industry is less attractive and dependent. Furthermore, this paper gives some policy suggestions for the employment management of floating population.


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7 周亞夢;基于引力模型的中國省際流入人口的行業(yè)分布[D];天津財經(jīng)大學(xué);2016年

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