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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-08 06:14

  本文關鍵詞:模因論視角下網絡體育新聞標題的研究 出處:《北京體育大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 模因論 網絡 體育 新聞標題 研究

[Abstract]:Meme is the basic unit of culture through imitation and dissemination of the popular language on the Internet is formed in the current emerging media background, its outstanding style and form influence people's behavior in a large extent, it is easy to form the meme. At present, not only the news appeared a lot of meme the phenomenon of reports, there are Internet sports news in the title of this phenomenon. Therefore, the research of network sports news headlines, analysis and discussion is very necessary. This paper from the memetic theory from the perspective of March sport news headlines on the four website on January 2016 to Tencent, NetEase the amount of sample, Sohu and Sina four website has research value of the sports news headline a total of 2000, 200 sports news headlines were selected as the research object, and using the method of literature, case analysis Mathematical statistics and data analysis of survey objects. Before this research, scholars of the sports news network in the title is just stay in the finishing, production. This research is the Internet sports news title in the linguistic environment of the in-depth analysis, the theoretical basis used in this study the memetic theory, in the absence of precedent cases, this is a very bold attempt. The conclusions of this study are as follows: the Internet sports news in trying to use the popular language, the language is one kind of change because of strong memes, with longevity, fidelity, productive characteristics, these characteristics from the two modes of network sports news headlines because of form (performance type memes, memes) has been proved. The inheritance of network sports news headlines in the presentation are attractive, can transfer information and promotion The pragmatic function of economy. The main reason of this kind of popular language meme producers put in the title is:? It is easy to copy and transmission characteristics. It accords with the natural characteristics of people easier for people to understand, and be able to attract the reader's attention. The influence factors of network sports news headlines mainly there are three aspects of culture, environment and heart. Network sports news headlines have their own rules of survival, this study can be regarded as the meme theory in the network sports news headlines in the study, can also be seen as a development of meme theory. From a certain point of view, the study of sports network the news headlines in the study of linguistics provides certain theoretical help.



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