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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 07:27

  本文關鍵詞:我國中等職業(yè)教育財政支出研究 出處:《中國財政科學研究院》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 中等職業(yè)教育 財政教育支出 頂層設計 支出責任

[Abstract]:"Long term, education oriented" education is always the focus of the development of China's government career in more developed productive forces today, people's education for the unprecedented enthusiasm. Especially in the current global economic situation is relatively weak in the background, many countries in the world will be the development of the manufacturing industry as a way to revive the economy, I China is the introduction of "China development direction for the manufacturing industry to manufacture 2025> guidelines, the occupation education training objectives and development of our country manufacturing industry policy. As a part of secondary occupation education occupation education nexus, plays an important role. Education is always the key support areas of fiscal expenditure the degree of education, career development and fiscal expenditure is closely linked. Therefore, to analyze the current situation, China's secondary occupation education expenditure from the perspective of public finance expenditure summed up the problem, cause analysis And learn from international experience to put forward reasonable suggestions, have research value. According to the current situation of secondary occupation education expenditure with the use of statistical data and econometric methods to analyze the current status and present condition of the system, the scale effect, there are insufficient expenditure and expenditure structure, but also the existence of expenditure the effect is not obvious problems. Analyze the origin and then found the problem, that the secondary occupation education expenditure in China there is a top-level design is not sufficient, lagging behind the construction of laws and regulations, government expenditure responsibilities are not reasonable, and the lack of social forces to participate in the four aspects of expenditure performance evaluation in the lack of system reason. From four countries international secondary occupation education financial expenditure mechanism after the experience, the existing problems that solve the medium occupation education expenditure in China should be From the aspect of system reform, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of perfecting the secondary occupation education expenditure in four aspects. This paper is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction, introduces the background of the research questions and research significance, research methods specify the summary of research results, before the people, for the direction of this paper the research. The second part is the analysis of secondary occupation education of China's fiscal expenditure theory, clarify the related concepts, theoretical basis of financial support for the effect of medium occupation education, secondary occupation education expenditure arising from the analysis. The third part is the analysis of the status of secondary occupation education financial expenditure in our country, from the current system of medium occupation education the scale of fiscal expenditure, current situation and effect of the three aspects were investigated. Methods by summarizing the status of the system of fiscal expenditure and expenditure system into the existing policy Analysis of current situation of fiscal expenditure scale, using the method of data analysis of two aspects including the current situation of the total financial expenditure and expenditure structure analysis, analyzed the impact of fiscal expenditure effect situation by using the econometric methods from two aspects of the economic situation and employment situation. The fourth part is the existence of secondary occupation education expenditure in China and problems analysis of the causes, the author found that China's fiscal expenditure in the secondary occupation education system and expenditure structure especially the regional structure is inadequate, and there is no significant effect of fiscal expenditure problems, proposed the existence of these problems is retarded by the top-level design of fiscal expenditure is not sufficient and the construction of laws and regulations, government expenditure responsibilities are not reasonable, social the strength of medium occupation education participation is not enough and the secondary occupation education financial expenditure performance evaluation lack of four aspects Causes. The fifth part is the international experience, combing Germany, Japan, France and the United States four national secondary occupation education system and financial expenditure mechanism, summarizes the useful experiences. The sixth part is the suggestions to improve the medium occupation education expenditure in our country, the fourth part summarizes the problems and reasons and based on the international experience, this paper puts forward four policy suggestions: the first is to strengthen top-level design, improve the legal system of secondary occupation education expenditure of finance; two is a clear government secondary occupation education expenditure responsibility, perfecting the transfer payment system; the three is to make full use of PPP mode, and actively guide social forces to participate in the development of secondary occupation education; four is the establishment of secondary occupation education financial expenditure performance evaluation system.



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