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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-06 17:27

  本文關鍵詞:沈陽市農民工養(yǎng)老保險繳費意愿調查研究 出處:《遼寧大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 農民工 養(yǎng)老保險 繳費意愿

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, along with the city and countryside in the economic construction and the gap between urban and rural population flow grow with each passing day imprisonment was gradually lifted, independence and autonomy of farmers has gradually increased, a large number of rural population into the city, migrant workers has become a non negligible, a huge number, with distinct characteristics of the times the social group. They not only brought the economic construction of the city vitality and labor, but also become an important force to promote the city industrial upgrading and economic development, improve the living environment, is conducive to promoting the construction of harmonious society to solve their problems of old-age security. However, the city of Shenyang as a traditional industrial city the number of migrant workers, but at an alarming rate plummeted, behind the collapse while the northeast region and the economic downturn, the slow process of city has the very big relations, but with the The old-age security also have some contact. In this context, this paper makes an empirical analysis of Shenyang city migrant workers pension insurance payment willingness, hoping to provide some reference for the development and improvement of China's endowment insurance system for migrant workers, to promote China's social security system more perfect. The thesis consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, this paper mainly discusses the research background and research significance, summarizes the research status of migrant workers pension insurance payment willingness at home and abroad, summarizes the research methods and research content, and puts forward the research innovation and deficiency. The second part of several important concepts will be used for study on the migrant workers, migrant workers pension insurance, migrant workers pension insurance payment willingness to define the connotation and extension, and describes the relevant theoretical basis, respectively is Maslow For hierarchy theory, social justice theory, bounded rationality theory. The third part is the basic survey design and sample of migrant workers' pension insurance payment in Shenyang City, this part of the process of investigation and survey indicators described, based on the sample data were analyzed, and the Shenyang city migrant workers pension insurance payment willingness discussed in this paper. The fourth part is the analysis of influencing factors of Shenyang migrant workers pension insurance payment will first pay pension premiums for variable is set or not, independent set for individual characteristic variables, economic policy variables and cognitive variables, and then through the regression analysis method is used to establish the model of two yuan Logistic, and comprehensive analysis of influencing factors Shenyang City, migrant workers pay endowment insurance. The fifth part is the basic conclusions and suggestions, through statistical analysis, we as individuals. The variables, economic variables and policy cognitive variables will influence the willingness to pay for migrant workers' Endowment Insurance in Shenyang. On this basis, we put forward some feasible suggestions for improving the endowment insurance system for migrant workers in China.



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