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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-22 18:21
【摘要】:2008年金融危機使得以美元為中心的貨幣體系遭到國際社會的質(zhì)疑,認為美元是全球金融失衡的罪魁禍?zhǔn)住H欢绹]有彌補它給全世界經(jīng)濟帶來的危害,而是繼續(xù)利用美元這一國際中心貨幣,大規(guī)模印刷鈔票,把本國的危機轉(zhuǎn)嫁他國。隨后的歐債危機又給當(dāng)代經(jīng)濟帶來一記重創(chuàng),不僅擾亂了自身的穩(wěn)定,還影響了歐元的國際地位。 而在這兩次金融危機中,中國堅持人民幣不貶值,并保持了相對穩(wěn)健的金融體系,為世界各國擺脫金融危機做出了巨大的貢獻,也進一步穩(wěn)定了人民幣的國際地位。但是此次危機也給中國經(jīng)濟帶來不小的影響,使中國不得不面對巨額的外匯損失,使本國出口企業(yè)遭遇匯率風(fēng)險。此時,中國應(yīng)該抓住時機,大力推進人民幣國際化的進程,這不僅有助于我國走出金融危機的困境,提升我國綜合經(jīng)濟實力,而且可以改善國際貨幣體系的構(gòu)成,為整個世界經(jīng)濟穩(wěn)定做出自己的貢獻。 本文首先是從敘述貨幣國際化的相關(guān)理論入手,,通過相對詳盡的理論研究,從宏觀上把握貨幣國際化的理論知識;其次,分析了主要貨幣國際化的路徑、以及對人民幣國際化的借鑒意義。雖然各國所處的國際環(huán)境、發(fā)展情況等等因素均不盡相同,但是我國仍需要仔細的研究,趨利避害;再次,描述了人民幣的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀,根據(jù)現(xiàn)階段的特征,描述了人民幣的可能的發(fā)展趨勢;最后,從正反兩方面闡述了人民幣國際化的效應(yīng)問題,因為人民幣國際化是一個既定的目標(biāo),雖然路途很漫長,但是終究會達到。因此,我們必須先看到未來可能出現(xiàn)的問題,并提出應(yīng)對措施,防范于未然,使我國的國際化道路更加暢通。
[Abstract]:The 2008 financial crisis raised questions about the dollar-centric monetary system, which was blamed for global financial imbalances. Instead of making up for the damage it has done to the world's economy, the United States continues to use the dollar, the international hub currency, to print money on a large scale and to pass on its own crisis to other countries. The subsequent European debt crisis hit the contemporary economy hard, disrupting not only its own stability, but also the euro's international standing. In these two financial crises, China insisted on not devaluing the RMB, and maintained a relatively stable financial system, which made a great contribution to getting rid of the financial crisis in the world, and further stabilized the international status of the RMB. But the crisis has also had a big impact on China's economy, forcing it to face huge foreign exchange losses and currency risks for its exporters. At this time, China should seize the opportunity to vigorously promote the process of RMB internationalization. This will not only help our country out of the dilemma of the financial crisis, enhance our comprehensive economic strength, but also improve the composition of the international monetary system. We will make our own contribution to the stability of the entire world economy. Firstly, this paper starts with the related theories of monetary internationalization, through relatively detailed theoretical research, grasps the theoretical knowledge of currency internationalization from the macro level; secondly, it analyzes the path of major currency internationalization. And the reference significance to RMB internationalization. Although the international environment, development situation and other factors of each country are not the same, our country still needs careful study in order to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Thirdly, it describes the current situation of RMB development, according to the characteristics of the current stage. This paper describes the possible development trend of RMB, and finally, expounds the effect of RMB internationalization from both positive and negative aspects, because RMB internationalization is an established goal, although the road is long, it will eventually be achieved. Therefore, we must first see the possible problems in the future, and put forward countermeasures to prevent them, so as to make our country's internationalization road more smooth.


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