

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-22 17:16
[Abstract]:The relative risk level of private equity debt of small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively high. It will only be a time problem to break the present situation of "zero default" in China's bond market. Leading to the current "more difficult to invest funds, enterprises more difficult to finance" the confusion. At present, China's economy is in a downward cycle and credit continues to shrink, making a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises faced with financing "worse" situation. At the beginning of this year, the national financial work conference issued a call for "serving the real economy", and the first small and medium-sized enterprise private equity debt in China's securities market came into being in June 2012.
【作者單位】: 上海申銀萬(wàn)國(guó)證券研究所有限公司;


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