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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-25 01:20

  本文選題:金融監(jiān)管 + 金融消費(fèi); 參考:《理論學(xué)刊》2012年10期

[Abstract]:In recent years, the self-protection consciousness of the financial consumers in our country has been strengthened, and the related work of banks, securities companies and other financial departments has been further promoted. However, due to various subjective and objective factors, there are still many problems in this field. China should draw lessons from international experience, base on national conditions, integrate existing administrative, legislative, judicial and regulatory resources, strengthen the protection of financial consumers, update the concept of financial consumer protection, and clarify the obligations and responsibilities of financial institutions. We should promote the standardization and humanization of financial products and services, constantly improve the financial consumption environment, enhance consumer confidence, maintain the prosperity and stability of the financial market, and promote the harmonious and healthy development of the financial industry and the national economy as a whole.
【作者單位】: 中共山東省委黨校?庉嫴;


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