

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-24 01:35

  本文選題:村鎮(zhèn)銀行 + 盈利模式。 參考:《貴州財經(jīng)大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:目前,我國政府一直把農(nóng)村金融改革作為我國政府農(nóng)村工作的核心部分。雖然,我國大型金融機構(gòu)在近幾年加大了對農(nóng)村金融市場的服務力度。但是從近幾年農(nóng)村改革的實踐來看,我國農(nóng)村金融還是存在很多的問題,農(nóng)村金融供需還是存在很大的缺口。其己成為制約我國農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟進程的關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)。作為我國新型農(nóng)村金融機構(gòu)的最主要的組成部分,村鎮(zhèn)銀行的蓬勃發(fā)展給農(nóng)村金融的改革帶來了新的血液。村鎮(zhèn)銀行在經(jīng)過7年左右的摸索和發(fā)展,取得了一定的成績:不管是銀行數(shù)量、發(fā)展規(guī)模,還是治理結(jié)構(gòu)、風險控制都取得了不錯的進步。但是,村鎮(zhèn)銀行在發(fā)展中也暴露了很多的問題:貸款需求很大而吸儲困難,存貸比率高;盈利模式單一,盈利能力過分依賴于存貸利率差,風險管理能力有待加強。 于是,本文在綜述了國內(nèi)外相關(guān)村鎮(zhèn)銀行盈利模式與盈利能力研究文獻的基礎上,首先介紹了研究的相關(guān)理論基礎,并對研究的關(guān)鍵概念進行界定和比較;然后分析了國內(nèi)外成功村鎮(zhèn)銀行的主要的盈利模式,并探討了貴州省村鎮(zhèn)銀行在盈利模式上存在的問題;隨后,結(jié)合村鎮(zhèn)銀行的盈利特征和傳統(tǒng)杜邦分析體系優(yōu)缺點,構(gòu)建了一套對村鎮(zhèn)銀行更具針對性的杜邦分析體系,并對貴州省X村鎮(zhèn)銀行的盈利能力進行實證分析,以及對其與當?shù)剞r(nóng)信社盈利能力進行了對比分析;最后,得到對貴州省村鎮(zhèn)銀行的盈利模式與盈利能力具有可靠性的結(jié)論,并提出貴州村鎮(zhèn)銀行在發(fā)展中存在的問題,給出相應的政策建議。 本文在研究過程中,針對貴州省村鎮(zhèn)銀行盈利模式與盈利能力的相關(guān)問題,運用文獻研究與實地考察相結(jié)合,定性理論分析和定量財務模型分析相結(jié)合。本文共分七章來展開研究,并最終在三個方面取得了一定的創(chuàng)新:第一,本文對傳統(tǒng)杜邦分析體系的進行改進,使其更加適合分析村鎮(zhèn)銀行盈利能力;第二,本文首次從村鎮(zhèn)銀行與農(nóng)信社的盈利能力中的盈利性和風險性相關(guān)性角度進行了比較研究,研究角度具有一定的新意;第三,現(xiàn)階段的研究主要是把所有村鎮(zhèn)銀行作為整體進行研究,或者主要是分析中東部村鎮(zhèn)銀行經(jīng)營情況;從貴州的實際情況對貴州省村鎮(zhèn)銀行進行定量研究的文章比較少,本文可以彌補研究在這一方面的空白。
[Abstract]:At present, our government always regards the rural financial reform as the core part of our government's rural work. Although, China's large financial institutions in recent years to increase the service to the rural financial market. However, from the practice of rural reform in recent years, there are still many problems in rural finance in our country, and there is still a big gap between supply and demand of rural finance. It has become the key link of restricting the rural economic process of our country. As the most important part of new rural financial institutions, the vigorous development of village banks brings new blood to the reform of rural finance. After 7 years of exploration and development, village banks have made certain achievements: whether the number of banks, the scale of development, or governance structure, risk control has made good progress. However, in the development of village banks, many problems have been exposed: large demand for loans, difficulty in absorbing deposits and loans, high ratio of deposits and loans, single profit model, excessive reliance on interest rates between deposits and loans, and need to be strengthened in risk management. On the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign research literature on the profit model and profitability of village and town banks, this paper first introduces the relevant theoretical basis of the study, and defines and compares the key concepts of the research. Then it analyzes the main profit models of the successful village banks at home and abroad, and discusses the problems existing in the profit mode of the village banks in Guizhou Province. Then, combining the profit characteristics of the village banks and the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional DuPont analysis system, A set of DuPont analysis system of village bank is constructed, and the profit ability of X village bank in Guizhou province is empirically analyzed, and compared with that of local rural credit agency. Finally, This paper draws a conclusion that the profit model and profitability of Guizhou Village Bank are reliable, and puts forward the problems existing in the development of Guizhou Village Bank, and puts forward corresponding policy suggestions. In the course of the research, aiming at the problems related to the profit model and profitability of rural banks in Guizhou province, this paper combines the literature research with the field investigation, the qualitative theoretical analysis and the quantitative financial model analysis. This paper is divided into seven chapters, and finally in three aspects of innovation: first, this paper improves the traditional DuPont analysis system to make it more suitable for the analysis of village bank profitability; second, This paper makes a comparative study on the correlation between profitability and risk in the profitability of village banks and rural credit cooperatives for the first time. At this stage, the main research is to study all village banks as a whole, or mainly to analyze the management of village banks in the middle and eastern part of the country. There are few articles on quantitative research of rural banks in Guizhou Province from the actual situation in Guizhou. This paper can make up the blank in this respect.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前6條

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