

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-22 20:11

  本文選題:服務業(yè)FDI + 服務出口 ; 參考:《寧波大學》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization, China's foreign direct investment (FDI) and service trade are booming, and foreign direct investment (FDI) is gradually turning to service industry. This paper focuses on the theme of "service FDI influences service export". Firstly, this paper reviews the research results of service industry FDI, service trade and the relationship between service FDI and service trade at home and abroad. Then based on the view of host country, the paper analyzes the specific routes of service FDI to promote service export, including direct path and indirect path. The direct path is that the service industry FDI enterprise realizes the service export by undertaking the service outsourcing, and the indirect path promotes the service industry competitiveness for the service industry FDI, and then promotes the service export. The last part is the empirical part, which consists of two parts. The first part is the empirical analysis of the impact of service FDI on service exports, and studies the impact of service FDI on the overall service exports. The second part is the empirical analysis of the impact of service FDI on the export of different industries, and selects transport, tourism and financial services as the representative industries to study. The conclusions are as follows: 1) the structure of FDI in the service industry is gradually improving. (2) both the FDI and the export of goods in the service industry have a positive effect on the export of services, and the FDI in the service industry has a greater role in promoting the export of services to transport services. Tourism service export and financial service export both play a promoting role, and the promotion function is weakened in turn) FDI in service industry and trade in goods are the two key factors that affect the development of service trade. Finally, combining with the theoretical mechanism, the paper puts forward the following policy recommendations: 1) to expand the scale of service industry using FDI, and the current situation of service trade development and empirical conclusions. Adjusting the Industry structure of Foreign Direct Investment in the Service Industry / optimizing the Internal structure of the domestic Service Industry, focusing on the Development of the Modern Service Industry 3) promoting the coordinated Development of China's goods Trade and Service Trade Export / deepening the degree of opening up of the Service Market Enhance the competitiveness of China's service industry.


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