

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 00:18

  本文選題:投資者情緒 + 管理者過度自信 ; 參考:《天津大學》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The implementation of the reform of split share structure promotes the transformation of M & A of listed companies to marketization, and sets off a new wave of M & A in our country. However, in a large number of M & A activities, the phenomenon of "the riddle of shareholders' profit and loss of M & A companies" frequently appears. The traditional financial theory assumes that the market is effective, the investors and managers are rational, and they lack the ability to explain the merger and acquisition anomalies. Therefore, based on the perspective of behavioral corporate finance, this paper combines manager overconfidence, investor sentiment and traditional corporate M & A motivation theory to systematically study the motivation of M & A decision of listed companies in China. This paper analyzes the influence of investor sentiment, manager overconfidence and corporate governance on M & A performance, and tries to explain scientifically the riddle of shareholders' profit and loss in M & A companies. The research results of this paper provide empirical support for China's listed companies to improve the corporate governance mechanism, establish a scientific investment decision-making mechanism and protect the legitimate interests of shareholders in mergers and acquisitions. This paper mainly includes the following two parts: 1, manager overconfidence, corporate governance and M & A performance empirical study. Based on the motivation of M & A, this paper abandons the hypothesis of "rational economic man" and introduces the hypothesis of "manager overconfidence" on the basis of traditional M & A motivation theory such as principal-agent theory and free cash flow hypothesis. The influence of M & A motivation on M & A performance and the restraining effect of corporate governance are comprehensively tested. It is found that overconfidence has a significant negative effect on corporate M & A performance, and different corporate governance mechanisms can not only improve M A performance directly by effectively alleviating agency problems, but also restrain managers' overconfidence to some extent. An empirical study on indirect inhibition of impairment M & A. 2, investor sentiment, manager overconfidence and M & A performance. From the perspective of market non-validity (external drive), this paper empirically examines the impact of market mispricing caused by investor sentiment on M & A activities, and combines investor irrationality with manager irrationality. To investigate the impact of investor sentiment on M & A performance and its impact path. The results show that the mispricing caused by investor sentiment is one of the inducements of M & A activities, the stock market driven M & A theory has certain applicability in China, and investor sentiment has a "deterioration effect" on corporate M & A performance. And there are over-confident intermediary effect channels.


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