

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-20 08:58

  本文選題:小微金融 + 商業(yè)銀行 ; 參考:《復(fù)旦大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:According to the statistics data of the National Bureau of Statistics, small and micro enterprises account for more than 90% of the total number of domestic enterprises in China, contributing more than 60% to the gross domestic product (GDP) and 50% or more to the tax revenue. More importantly, In China, 85% of the jobs are created by small and medium-sized enterprises, but the financial services for small and micro enterprises at this stage obviously can not meet the huge number of small and micro enterprises and the urgent growth needs. This paper describes the characteristics of microfinance and the difficulties encountered at the present stage, and emphatically demonstrates the necessity and urgency of banks to develop microfinancial services. Risk prevention and other related recommendations. At the beginning of this paper, the definition of small and micro enterprises and the general characteristics of domestic small and micro enterprises are expounded. It is obvious that the default risk of small and micro enterprises is higher and the natural financing cost is higher. Although the average cost and risk of commercial banks to develop small and micro financial services are relatively high, but in the context of the sustained financial disintermediation and the drastic reform of interest rate marketization by the state, In the past, commercial banks used to gain stability on the basis of deposit and loan spreads, and the way of making profits from high profits became more and more difficult. In view of the uncultivated virgin land of small and micro finance, banks and financial institutions intervened one after another according to the traditional mode. But the competition of homogenization leads to the increase of the bad rate of the small and micro loans and the decrease of the related income. Therefore, this paper makes a detailed discussion on the service mode of the small and micro finance, and gives some beneficial suggestions for both the small and micro enterprises and the banks.


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