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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 11:26

  本文選題:城市商業(yè)銀行 + 競爭力 ; 參考:《上海社會科學(xué)院》2008年碩士論文

【摘要】: 經(jīng)過十余年時間的發(fā)展,城市商業(yè)銀行取得了很大的成績,已成為我國銀行體系的一個重要組成部分。但是我們也要看到,中國銀行業(yè)外部經(jīng)營環(huán)境發(fā)生了劇烈的變化,國內(nèi)銀行業(yè)競爭日趨激烈,外資銀行大舉入境也迫在眉睫,業(yè)內(nèi)對于城市商業(yè)銀行的市場競爭力和可持續(xù)發(fā)展產(chǎn)生了不少質(zhì)疑和爭論。在這樣的大背景下,探討城市商業(yè)銀行市場競爭力意義重大。本文在對商業(yè)銀行競爭力理論進行綜述的基礎(chǔ)上,嘗試著運用綜合分析的方法,對城市商業(yè)銀行和股份制商業(yè)銀行的競爭力進行了全面的比較,并在此基礎(chǔ)上建設(shè)性地提出提升其市場競爭力的相關(guān)對策。 本文首先以企業(yè)競爭力的一般理論為依據(jù),闡述了企業(yè)競爭力的基本概念和特征,明確了商業(yè)銀行競爭力的特殊性,探索性地界定了其內(nèi)涵,并對銀行競爭力分析方法進行了回顧和簡要點評,為下文的實證分析提供了理論支持。然后,在借鑒國內(nèi)外權(quán)威機構(gòu)和學(xué)者已有研究成果的基礎(chǔ)上,設(shè)計了一套具有較好實際操作性和科學(xué)性的銀行競爭力評價指標(biāo)體系。 在實證分析部分,本文以我國3家上市城市商業(yè)銀行和3家上市股份制商業(yè)銀行為研究對象,構(gòu)建了銀行競爭力比較的框架,分為三個層次進行評估,即現(xiàn)實銀行競爭力、潛在銀行競爭力和競爭環(huán)境,在明確了評估體系后,緊接著就是從以上三個方面對我國城市商業(yè)銀行和股份制商業(yè)銀行進行比較;采用因子分析法計算出各個銀行的得分,并利用因子綜合評分的結(jié)果對各個銀行的競爭力進行了排序,詳細剖析了城市商業(yè)銀行的競爭力狀況。實證分析結(jié)果表明:城市商業(yè)銀行競爭力的綜合排名普遍低于股份制商業(yè)銀行。 最后,本文根據(jù)實證研究的評估結(jié)果,結(jié)合城市商業(yè)銀行的實際情況,在借鑒股份制商業(yè)銀行成功經(jīng)驗的基礎(chǔ)上,有針對性地提出了一系列措施與策略,為進一步增強城市商業(yè)銀行競爭力并保持其持續(xù)健康發(fā)展奠定了一定基礎(chǔ)。
[Abstract]:After more than ten years' development, city commercial banks have made great achievements and become an important part of our country's banking system. However, we also need to see that the external operating environment of China's banking industry has undergone drastic changes, domestic banking competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and it is urgent for foreign banks to enter the country on a large scale. The market competitiveness and sustainable development of city commercial banks have been questioned and debated. Under this background, it is of great significance to explore the market competitiveness of urban commercial banks. On the basis of summarizing the competitiveness theory of commercial banks, this paper tries to make a comprehensive comparison between the competitiveness of urban commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks by using the method of comprehensive analysis. On the basis of this, constructive countermeasures are put forward to improve its market competitiveness. Based on the general theory of enterprise competitiveness, this paper expounds the basic concepts and characteristics of enterprise competitiveness, clarifies the particularity of the competitiveness of commercial banks, and explores its connotation. It also reviews and comments on the methods of bank competitiveness analysis, which provides theoretical support for the empirical analysis below. Then, based on the research results of domestic and foreign authoritative institutions and scholars, a set of practical and scientific evaluation index system of bank competitiveness is designed. In the part of empirical analysis, this paper takes three commercial banks of listed cities and three listed joint-stock commercial banks as research objects, and constructs a comparative framework of bank competitiveness, which is divided into three levels to evaluate the competitiveness of real banks. After defining the evaluation system, the competitiveness and competitive environment of potential banks are compared between urban commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks from the above three aspects, and the scores of each bank are calculated by factor analysis. The competitive ability of each bank is sorted by the result of factor comprehensive score, and the competitive power of city commercial bank is analyzed in detail. The empirical results show that the comprehensive ranking of the competitiveness of urban commercial banks is generally lower than that of joint-stock commercial banks. Finally, according to the evaluation results of the empirical research, combined with the actual situation of the city commercial banks, on the basis of the successful experience of the joint-stock commercial banks, this paper puts forward a series of measures and strategies. It lays a foundation for further strengthening the competitiveness of urban commercial banks and maintaining their sustainable and healthy development.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 王金潮;張廣文;;我國城市商業(yè)銀行核心競爭力評價分析[J];商業(yè)經(jīng)濟;2010年10期

2 鄭芳燕;;工商銀行和中國銀行盈余質(zhì)量的比較研究[J];寧波廣播電視大學(xué)學(xué)報;2012年03期

3 方小喬;;寧波銀行和南京銀行盈余質(zhì)量比較研究[J];現(xiàn)代營銷(學(xué)苑版);2010年04期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前4條

1 何鳳;城市商業(yè)銀行競爭力研究[D];山東大學(xué);2011年

2 吳欣;岳陽YX工業(yè)園核心競爭力構(gòu)建研究[D];湘潭大學(xué);2011年

3 邵立斌;中國金融體系中的地方政府與地方商業(yè)銀行關(guān)系研究[D];浙江工業(yè)大學(xué);2012年

4 李旭;我國城市商業(yè)銀行競爭力研究[D];東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué);2013年





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