

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-02 19:13

  本文選題:服務(wù)貿(mào)易 + 出口復雜度 ; 參考:《山西財經(jīng)大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid rise of the service economy, service industry and service trade have become the development engine of the adjustment and recovery stage of the world economy after the crisis. The world economy is becoming more and more service-oriented, and the integration of agriculture, manufacturing industry and service industry is constantly permeating. At the same time, the service industry is crossing the border, and the trend of service-oriented manufacturing industry is deepening. At the same time, With the continuous development of information technology, the organization, business model, transaction mode and trading object of service trade are undergoing profound changes, which plays an important role in upgrading the industrial structure. For our country, it is in the key period of economic transformation and development. Therefore, it is meaningful for this paper to study whether it can affect the industrial upgrading of our country from the perspective of the complexity of export of service trade. The increasing complexity of the export of service trade shows the improvement of export quality, and to some extent, it can reflect the technical level of the service industry and its position in international division of labor. Then the complexity of the export of service trade can indirectly promote the industrial upgrading through the technological progress and factor transfer of the service industry. Firstly, this paper analyzes theoretically that the complexity of the export of service trade can affect the industrial upgrading, and then passes the ADF test. Cointegration analysis and error correction model are used to test, it is found that both long-term and short-term effects, export complexity of service trade can positively affect China's industrial upgrading. This paper is divided into the following parts: the first part, clear the research ideas, clear research objectives, from the overall grasp of the direction of this study, build the overall framework of the paper. In the second part, through the general analysis of the complexity of export of service trade and the upgrading of industry, the author studies theoretically whether the complexity of export of trade in services has an effect on the upgrading of industry. In the third part, by analyzing the current situation of the complexity of the export of trade in services, we find that although the complexity of the export has increased, there is still the problem that the quantity and quality of the export are not matched. At the same time, it is found that the export scale is small and the added value is low. The serious deficit is also the main problem of our country's service trade export. In the fourth part, we use ADF test, cointegration analysis, error correction model and other measurement methods to test the impact of export complexity of service trade on China's industrial upgrading. The measurement results show that the complexity of export of service trade has a positive impact on China's industrial upgrading. For control variables, R & D investment and foreign direct investment have a positive impact on China's industrial upgrading. Although human capital has no positive effect on industrial upgrading, human capital is closely related to industrial upgrading. This empirical result provides a basis for policy makers. Finally, on the basis of theoretical research and empirical test, this paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on how to improve the complexity of China's export of service trade and industrial upgrading. According to the situation of our country, under the condition of limited resources, by optimizing the export structure of service trade, optimizing human capital allocation, increasing R & D investment, introducing foreign direct investment appropriately, increasing the complexity of China's export of service trade, And then promote the optimization and upgrading of China's industrial structure.


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