

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-31 23:43

  本文選題:肉牛產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚區(qū) + 肉牛繁育; 參考:《河南農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, the number of basic cows in China has decreased sharply, and the supply of calves and shelf-cattle is in serious shortage. This paper investigates the breeding situation of beef cattle in Henan beef industry agglomeration area, and finds out the current situation of beef cattle breeding. The suggestion of beef cattle breeding and production was put forward. In this paper, cattle breeding farms of different scales in southwest Henan, western Henan and eastern Henan were selected to investigate the breeding status of beef cattle by means of admission questionnaire. It was found that the following problems existed in breeding farm, such as: 1, short time of beef cattle breeding, lack of experience, outdated concept, unclear line of beef cattle, unclear pedigree, mixed breeding, and serious mismatch. The superiority of crossbreeding has declined. The education background of the responsible and technical personnel is on the low side, the professional and technical personnel are seriously lacking, the labor force is older than 4%, the training method of personnel is single, and the content of beef cattle breeding training is almost no. The effect of training is not satisfactory, the rate of adoption of breeding control technique is low, the average survival rate of reproduction is low, and the average survival rate of breeding is low, and the average survival rate of reproduction is low, and the average survival rate of breeding is low. In this paper, a beef cattle breeding farm in Xuchang County was selected for field observation. Combined with this case, the following main suggestions were summarized as follows: 1, to implement the cattle turnover plan and the application of breeding technology. Measures such as personnel training should be taken to raise the level of breeding and management, to train professional and technical personnel, to streamline the breeding staff, to adopt TMR feeding technology instead of labor, to improve labor efficiency, and to make decisions, plan, organize, direct and supervise the operation and management. In order to improve the breeding efficiency of beef cattle breeding farm, a functional model of the target system for improving the survival rate of beef cattle was constructed in order to provide reference for beef cattle breeding enterprises.


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