

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-31 19:16

  本文選題:中烏物流業(yè) + “一帶一路”物流產(chǎn)業(yè)合作。 參考:《長(zhǎng)安大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of logistics industry, it has been able to combine transportation industry with information science and technology and become a kind of complex tertiary industry. The development of logistics industry can promote social production, stimulate consumption, and solve the employment problem of a large population. The development of modern logistics industry can help to adjust the industrial structure of a country, change the mode of economic development and improve the competitiveness of national economy. The development level of logistics industry has become an important index to measure the national economic level of a country. According to the Logistics performance Index published by the World Bank, the recession of the global economy has reduced the speed of improving the performance of trade logistics, and has also promoted the reform of national trade logistics, which has improved its performance. The logistics industry of Uzbekistan is still in its infancy, the transportation infrastructure is not perfect, the customs system is not perfect, the logistics technology and equipment are backward, and the specialized personnel are lacking, etc., which restrict the development of Uzbekistan's logistics industry. At the same time, in recent years, foreign logistics giants have set foot in the logistics markets of China and Uzbekistan, which brings both opportunities and challenges to modern logistics enterprises. Along with the international acceptance of China's "Belt and Road" initiative, this has brought unprecedented opportunities for cooperation between Ukraine and China in the logistics industry. First of all, this paper will use the literature consulting method from three aspects: the current situation of logistics industry, logistics performance index and logistics industry development trend. Theoretical analysis and factor analysis are used to compare and analyze the overall development level of logistics industry in China and Uzbekistan, to find out the development gap and influencing factors between the logistics industry of the two countries. Secondly, This paper mainly introduces the development level and cooperation level of logistics industry between China and Ukraine, analyzes the present situation of logistics industry cooperation between China and Ukraine, points out the existing problems, summarizes the opportunities and challenges facing the development of logistics industry between China and Ukraine, and finally, points out the opportunities and challenges facing the development of logistics industry between China and Ukraine. In order to promote the sustainable development of China and Ukraine in the competitive environment of both opportunities and challenges, the corresponding countermeasures for the development and cooperation of logistics industry between China and Ukraine are put forward from the macro and micro levels. It is considered that there is a great potential for the development of the cooperation between China and Ukraine in the field of logistics industry. Should become the two countries' key support industries.


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