

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-30 12:27

  本文選題:浙江 + 城市化進(jìn)程 ; 參考:《浙江工商大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Urbanization is the inevitable outcome of the development of human society to a certain stage. China's urbanization process of more than 60 years, especially since the reform and opening up more than 30 years, magnificent achievements. According to the World Bank's China 2020 study, China is undergoing two transformations: from a mandatory economy to a market economy and from a rural society to a city. The transformation of industrial society. The 21st century is the century of great development of urbanization. The former chief economist of the World Bank, Nobel laureate Stiglitz said there are two things that affect the world and improve the world in the 21st century: "one is the development of American high-tech industry, the other is the urbanization of China." The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) proposed that "adhere to the road of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics." It can be expected that China's urbanization will usher in new development opportunities for a long time to come. How to grasp the source power of urbanization in different stages of economic development and how to promote the development of these factors through different measures will directly affect the healthy progress of urbanization in China in the future. While urbanization is in the ascendant, circulation industry as an important part of the tertiary industry, along with the development of China's economy, the advancement of urbanization process, has also been rapid development. And will certainly play a greater role in China's future urbanization process. From the perspective of the development of circulation industry, this paper probes into the influence factors of urbanization process in Zhejiang Province and studies the relationship between them. This paper firstly combs a large number of literatures at home and abroad, and defines the research object as Zhejiang urbanization process and trade circulation industry. The two concepts are closely linked. The generation of cities originates from the exchange of commodities, and the improvement of trade efficiency leads to the formation of cities. Through the changes of three industries' contribution to economic development reflected by the evolution law of industrial structure, the significance of circulation industry's development in the process of urbanization is revealed, and the internal relationship between circulation industry and urbanization is summarized from the angle of theoretical analysis. Business runs through the development of the whole urbanization. The concentration of enterprises caused by agglomeration and scale leads to the concentration of labor force, while the concentration of population provides the conditions for the development of the tertiary industry. The proportion of commercial circulation industry in the national economy is rising step by step, which provides the basic conditions and service environment for industrialization and urbanization, endows the meaning of "city" of urbanization, and probes into the related mechanism between the two. Then, the regression analysis of urbanization influencing factors was carried out on the cross-section data of Zhejiang Province in 2012. The results show that industrialization is the most important factor that affects the urbanization rate in Zhejiang Province. This paper selects the corresponding indicators to test the urbanization rate and trade circulation in Zhejiang Province from 1978 to 2012, and shows a one-way relationship in the Granger causality test. That is, the development of trade circulation does not constitute Granger reason for the process of urbanization, which is different from theoretical analysis. It also compares the urbanization process of typical representative countries and enumerates a large number of relevant data. The results show that the development of circulation industry in our province lags behind not only developed countries but also developing countries. Finally, on the basis of rethinking the problem of interactive development, the author puts forward countermeasures and suggestions on the development of urbanization by circulation industry.


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