

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-27 11:39

  本文選題:出版政策 + 出版產(chǎn)業(yè); 參考:《西安建筑科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, the publishing industry of our country is booming and has become an important carrier to meet the spiritual needs of the people and an important point to promote economic development. In the process of the development of China's publishing industry, the publishing policy promulgated by the state plays an important role that can not be ignored. The publishing industry policy is the guarantee and the support to promote the development of our country's publishing industry, therefore, the coordination analysis of these policies has important theoretical value and practical significance. Through extensive literature review, the author collects and arranges the publishing industry policies promulgated by the State Administration of Press, publication, Radio, Film and Television since the reform and opening up, and combs and reviews the relevant policies issued in different periods in China. Through the analysis of hundreds of effective policy texts from 2003 to 2015, the author analyzes the publishing industry policy from three dimensions: the time of publication, the type of text and the department of publication, and adopts the framework of coordination of public policy system. The content analysis method is used to analyze the internal coordination of the subject subsystem, the internal coordination of the object subsystem, and the coordination between the subject and the object subsystem. The coordination between the publishing industry policy system and other policies and the coordination between the publishing industry policy system and the environment are analyzed and studied in depth, and the characteristics of the policies under different economic background are summarized. Through the above research, the author points out that the effect of the present part of the publishing industry policy is poor, the main reason is that the publishing industry policy system is within the subject subsystem, the object subsystem and the subject and object subsystem of the policy. There are five incoordination phenomena between the publishing industry policy system and other policies, and between the publishing industry policy system and the environment. Based on the analysis of the coordination of the publishing industry policy and the characteristics of the development of the Chinese publishing industry, the improvement of the publishing industry policy should be carried out from two aspects: strengthening the internal coordination and external coordination of the publishing industry policy. So as to enhance the feasibility of publishing industry policy.


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