

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-27 05:08

  本文選題:2022年冬奧會 + 滑雪產(chǎn)業(yè); 參考:《哈爾濱體育學院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Through the methods of literature, expert interview, field investigation, comparative research, logic analysis and SWOT analysis, this paper takes Heilongjiang ski industry as the research object, 2022 Winter Olympics, Heilongjiang skiing industry, development strategy as the key words, This paper analyzes the influence of the 2022 Winter Olympics on the ski industry in Heilongjiang Province and the present situation of the ski industry in Heilongjiang Province, and draws the conclusion that the 2022 Winter Olympics has brought about the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges to the development of the skiing industry in Heilongjiang Province, and has been integrated and summarized by using the SWOT analysis. It is concluded that in the 2022 Winter Olympic Games to Heilongjiang Province ski industry development strategy, in the 2022 Winter Olympics to stimulate the rapid development of China's ski industry wave, Heilongjiang Province won the first opportunity to consolidate its leading position. Has the very strong theory and the practice significance. Heilongjiang ski industry strengths, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, challenges for 1. Advantages: domestic and foreign famous skiing brand advantage, unique natural resources advantage, ice and snow region humanities and history advantage, domestic ski talent training advantage, provincial party committee and government leading role, ski resort number and scale advantage 2. Disadvantages: the disadvantages of the overall competitiveness of ski resorts, the disadvantages of capital, the random disorder of ski resorts, the inferiority of low utilization of sites, the destruction of the ecological environment, the unbalanced development of the ski industry, and the imperfect development of the ski industry chain. The disadvantages of local skiing market, hardware and software facilities, and regional natural conditions. Opportunity: 2022 the Winter Olympic Games spread ice and snow culture, making more and more people participate in skiing, the rapid growth of the national economy, and the change of values pay more attention to the opportunity of leisure and vacation. "Internet" mode to create a new form of ski industry development opportunities, national government policy support opportunities. 4. Challenges: challenges from foreign ski countries, from the north to the south, increased domestic competition, ski supplies and ski equipment, foreign brands challenge the 2022 Winter Olympic Games under the challenge of popular snowboarding culture, investment and long return period, The challenge of three seasons a year. These are the driving factors that affect the development of skiing industry in Heilongjiang Province. Integrate, research and analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges through SWOT analysis. The main contents of this study are as follows: government support and policy drive the cluster of skiing industry, build the international first-class ski resort with Yaburi as the core; Using the mode of "Internet skiing" to promote the upgrading and optimization of the ski industry; to complete and perfect the ski industry chain, to focus on the development of ski equipment manufacturing; to establish a base for the training of reserve personnel in the ski industry; to develop related events and training; Cultivate ski culture, shine the ski brand.


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7 葉老,




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