

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-27 03:30

  本文選題:產業(yè)鏈 + 移動應用(App)廣告 ; 參考:《暨南大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of China Mobile Internet by 2015, the number of mobile Internet users has exceeded 700 million. Internet advertising has developed from PC to mobile, and business and technology forms are not only being extended. And is gradually forming the characteristics of mobile advertising itself, in a prosperous situation, The mobile app App-advertising has gradually replaced the traditional mobile advertising mode (short / MMS ads / WAP ads) and has become the main advertising mode and marketing method on the mobile side. At the same time, as a rapidly developing advertising form, it is still in the stage of industry chain cultivation, and many problems inevitably appear in the process of development, which has affected the healthy development of mobile application advertising in China. Under such a background, It is necessary to explore and construct a reasonable advertising industry chain for mobile applications. From the angle of view of industry chain, this paper firstly introduces the new advertising form of mobile application advertising, summarizes its advertising type, sale mode, pricing strategy and billing mode. This paper analyzes the industry chain of mobile application advertisement, defines the connotation of mobile application advertising industry chain, induces the constituent elements of relevant links of industry chain, and further analyzes the forming mechanism of industry chain. This paper focuses on the analysis of the main problems existing in the industry chain of mobile application advertising in China at present: the single structure of advertisers, the immature structure of platform, the imperfect mechanism of advertising, the lack of rich advertising types, and the relevant industry standards. Lack of policies and regulations, etc. It also puts forward the optimization strategy of China's mobile application advertising industry chain: the extension of industry chain should focus on the increase of intermediate link, the integration of industry chain should take the Internet giant and mobile advertising network as the core, and the upgrading of industry chain should enrich the advertising types. To improve the level of advertising and strengthen the mechanism of effect evaluation, the regulation of industrial chain should speed up the improvement of relevant industry standards.


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