

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-25 23:05

  本文選題:中醫(yī)藥 + 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù); 參考:《南京中醫(yī)藥大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, the western developed countries are gradually pushing traditional Chinese medicine into "public knowledge", instead of taking it as a protection object of intellectual property, and is carrying out unpaid commercial exploitation and profit. This undoubtedly accelerates the loss of intellectual property rights of Chinese medicine. The loss of intellectual property rights of traditional Chinese Medicine will not only damage local traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. The overall interests of the industry and the state will also impede the sustainable development of local traditional Chinese medicine brand and industry, and then threaten the internationalization of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine industry. Therefore, strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights of Chinese medicine, realizing and maintaining the interests of the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, has far-reaching influence on the safety of traditional Chinese medicine industry. In the protection of intellectual property, the exploration of the safety of Chinese medicine industry is not only of theoretical value but also of great practical significance. In this study, the problem of the safety of traditional Chinese medicine industry is discussed with the protection of intellectual property rights of traditional Chinese medicine as the angle of view. The research mainly includes the following aspects: (1) through a large number of literature retrieval and reading, the impact of the study is on the influence of Chinese medicine. On the basis of the analysis of the intellectual property factors of the medical industry safety, the preliminary design of the index system is carried out, the intellectual property protection level of the Chinese medicine industry is separated from the domestic environment, and the system environment of the intellectual property protection of Chinese medicine is reviewed. (2) the first built index system is carried out. A round of expert consultation, through the statistical analysis of the index system screening, and through the factor analysis of the selected index system to test the structure, and finally established the level of intellectual property protection including the traditional Chinese medicine industry, the level of independent innovation of traditional Chinese medicine industry under the background of intellectual property protection, the domestic environment of traditional Chinese medicine industry and intellectual property protection. The evaluation index system of the four dimensions of the competitiveness of Chinese medicine industry under the background of protecting the background. (3) second rounds of expert consultation on the index weight and the use of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the weight of the index. (4) a third round of expert consultation is carried out on the basis of the status analysis of the factor layer, in order to obtain the evaluation results and evaluation values of the experts on each index, and The multilevel extension evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine industry safety is carried out by the matter element extension model. It is found that the domestic environment of the Chinese medicine industry is in the basic state of security, while the level of intellectual property protection and the independent innovation level and competitiveness under the background of intellectual property protection are insecure. From the whole industry, the whole Chinese medicine industry presents Finally, based on the research results, relevant countermeasures and suggestions are put forward around the protection of intellectual property rights.


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