

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-06 22:43

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:營口開發(fā)區(qū)裝備制造產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展策略研究 出處:《大連理工大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 營口開發(fā)區(qū) 裝備制造業(yè) 轉(zhuǎn)型升級 SWOT分析

[Abstract]:Manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy, the foundation of the founding of the country, the weapon of rejuvenating the country and the foundation of the powerful country. To build the manufacturing industry with international competitiveness is to enhance the comprehensive national strength and ensure the national security of our country. The only way to build a world power. Since the founding of New China, China's equipment manufacturing industry has made great progress, and in 2010, overtook the United States to become the world's largest manufacturing country for the first time. Compared with the advanced level of the world, the manufacturing industry of our country is still big and not strong, in the independent innovation ability, the resource utilization efficiency, the industrial structure level, the informationization degree, the quality benefit and so on aspect disparity is obvious. The task of transformation and upgrading and leapfrogging development is urgent and arduous. This paper takes the equipment manufacturing industry of Yingkou Development Zone as an example and analyzes the overall situation of equipment manufacturing industry in Yingkou Development Zone. The achievements made since the establishment of the area and the current scale of development, equipment manufacturing industry in the social and economic status. The difficulties and problems faced by the present development and the methods and policy suggestions for solving the problems. Combined with the successful experiences of the developed countries and advanced regions in the field of equipment manufacturing in the world at present. This paper is divided into four chapters to elaborate and analyze: chapter 1 is a brief overview of the relevant literature and domestic and foreign research status; The historical development of the world and our country is briefly summarized. The development frontier of advanced countries and regions in the world is expounded and analyzed. In chapter 2, the general situation, development scale and position in the social economy of the equipment manufacturing industry in Yingkou Development Zone are discussed. Then summarized and analyzed the causes of the problems in the development of equipment manufacturing industry in Yingkou Development Zone, such as the slow growth of overall strength, overcapacity, irrational industrial structure, weak innovation ability, lack of professionals. At the same time, it analyzes the successful experience of advanced countries in equipment manufacturing such as America, Germany, Japan and so on, and sums up the similarities and differences of its development factors, such as Guangdong, Jiangsu. The successful experiences of the advanced areas of equipment manufacturing in Shandong and other advanced areas are summarized, and the similarities and differences in their development are summarized. Chapter 3 analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the internal factors of the equipment manufacturing industry in Yingkou Development Zone, the opportunities and threats of the external factors by using the SWOT analysis method. And made the matrix analysis of SWOT, listed the growth strategy, diversified business strategy, reverse strategy. Chapter 4 puts forward countermeasures and suggestions of equipment manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading in Yingkou Development Zone, such as optimizing industrial structure and promoting industrial upgrading, and vigorously developing producer services. It is hoped that the development of equipment manufacturing industry in Yingkou Development Zone can be provided with some reference through the policy suggestions elaborated in this paper, such as improving the ability of independent innovation, strengthening the introduction of talents, strengthening the supervision and control of the government and so on.


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