

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-04 21:21

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:我國戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)的要素彈性和發(fā)展問題研究 出處:《山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè) 要素彈性 創(chuàng)新

[Abstract]:Since twenty-first Century, with the information, biology, advanced manufacturing, green energy, new materials and other technical inventions and appear in the economy the industrial revolution also ensued. After the financial crisis, the world economic recovery is weak, slow growth, strategic emerging industry with its high technology intensive, large market potential, strong correlation effect, resources and energy consumption less, lead and drive other industries attracts more and more national attention, have it as the future leading industry or pillar industry development, the Chinese government has also introduced a related planning and industrial policies to cultivate the seven strategic emerging industries, the healthy development of strategic emerging industries to enhance international competitiveness of our country, for our economy and society can go on innovation driven, it is of great strategic significance for sustainable development of the track. In this paper, China's strategic emerging industries. Education and development countermeasures, output performance and development elements as the research content, using theory analysis and empirical research, analysis of the connotation of strategic emerging industries, and related industries with distinctive features and define the details of China's strategic emerging industry development situation, the development of China's strategic emerging industries mature time prediction with the combination of qualitative and quantitative method of system integration, production and economic performance of China's strategic emerging industries over a period of time, an empirical study on the output elasticity of capital and labor, and then analyzes the main problems of China's strategic emerging industry development, based on summarizing the development experience of the world's major countries, puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries in China. The main conclusions of this thesis are: China's rapid development of strategic emerging industries, accounting for the national economy The proportion rose steadily, and has strong development, disorderly to orderly, the characteristics of differentiation between industries; 16 major direction of strategic emerging industry or technology in the bud or cultivation stage, need to cultivate or development policy, industry maturity time of about 5~27 years; in the strategic emerging industry output, capital elasticity less than the labor elasticity, statistics show that time labor intensive industrial development as the extensive growth, capital and technology capital in the value attached to the increase of the contribution is small, but the capital elasticity showed increasing trend year by year; the main problem facing the development of China's strategic emerging industry: institutional mechanism is not perfect, the lack of core technology. The high-end low-end manufacturing industry, emerging industries "walk" caused by overcapacity, financing constraints, enterprise independent innovation capability is weak; on the planning, Market cultivation, innovation system construction and policy support for the basic experience, to put forward our suggestions: strengthen the overall planning, cluster construction and macro coordination; cultivate the market demand and supporting infrastructure; increase research investment and cooperation, the construction of generic technology platform and transfer mechanism; improve the access system, give full play to the market effect of reducing government intervention; improve the financial service system for small and medium enterprises, increase efforts to support the establishment of scientific evaluation system and method; and strengthen the application of demonstration in key areas, to encourage and support the business model innovation.



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