
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 建筑工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-11 15:17
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and the increasing of urban population, a large number of underground commercial streets with large size and complex functions have appeared. However, underground commercial street fire accidents occur frequently, and people pay more and more attention to them. The fire in underground commercial street is characterized by many combustible items, poor ventilation, many electric equipments, difficulty in extinguishing fire and difficulty in evacuation. Once fire occurs, it is easy to cause a large number of casualties and property losses. Therefore, timely control of the fire, grasp the flow of smoke in the fire site, so that people can be safely evacuated, reduce casualties, has become an important part of the underground commercial street fire research. The numerical simulation software is used to simulate the smoke spread process of underground commercial street fire, which can master the smoke flow law of underground commercial street, and has guiding significance for the escape of fire personnel and the decision of fire fighting personnel in underground commercial street. Aiming at the problem of frequent fire accidents in underground commercial streets, this paper analyzes the research results of many domestic and foreign scholars on building fires and evacuation, and determines the research object and content of this paper. By studying the basic theory of fire numerical simulation and the theoretical basis of fire evacuation, this paper lays a theoretical foundation for the simulation and evacuation later in this paper. Based on the multilevel extension theory, this paper analyzes the fire risk situation of an underground commercial street, and establishes an evaluation index system, which includes 5 first-grade indexes and 22 second-class indexes of building, electrical, fire, emergency and safety management. The safety grade of the underground commercial street is calculated to be relatively safe, and there is still a great possibility of fire. According to the most disadvantageous principle, the location of two fire sources in the underground commercial street was determined, and eight fire scenarios were set up with the efficiency and failure of the automatic sprinkler system and the smoke exhaust system. The fire simulation software FDS is used to simulate and analyze the eight fire scenes in the underground commercial street. The temperature of each exit, the time of CO concentration and visibility reaching the critical value of danger under different fire scenarios are determined, that is, the safe evacuation time is available. The evacuation simulation software Pathfinder is used to simulate the evacuation, and the required safety evacuation time of each exit is obtained. Finally, the safety of each outlet is obtained by comparing and analyzing two times, and the countermeasures and measures for fire prevention and control of the underground commercial street are put forward. Through the research of this paper, we can master the law of smoke spread in underground commercial street fire, provide some guidance for personnel to escape and fire simulation training, and provide reasonable countermeasures for fire prevention measures of underground commercial street.


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