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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-27 19:51

  本文選題:六朝 + 建康城。 參考:《中國國家博物館館刊》2014年01期

[Abstract]:Nanjing Chengnan pigment Square site in recent years unearthed six-dynasty ink-book porcelain a total of 92 pieces. Up to now, among the archaeological excavations of Jiankangcheng site in the six dynasties, the most important place is the bamboo boat, which is one of the four navigation lines along the Qinhuai River during the six dynasties. According to the layer relation and the shape and decoration characteristics of the objects, this batch of ink-calligraphy porcelain belongs to three periods: sun Wu-Xi Jin dynasty, east Jin dynasty and south dynasty. Its vessels only see bowl, calyse, plate, ink the least only 1 word, up to more than 40 words, generally written in the outer bottom exposed tire. Most of its handwriting can be clearly discernible, see different types of calligraphy, reflecting the face of ordinary people at that time. The contents of ink books can be broadly divided into six categories: name class, utensil use class, Ji language class, symbol class, record class, in which the bulk of the relationship between the object and the object is indicated, in order to distinguish easily confused personal necessities. In order to achieve the requirements of hygiene. The "Xx" in the ink book is the real name of the potted vessels in the six dynasties, and the "common food" is related to the Buddhist Zhai Yi. The six dynasties ink-book porcelain or by the Han dynasty ink-book pottery and lacquer ware on the main mark, and the Song and Yuan dynasties to the same kind of vessels have the same relationship. According to the current materials, it is difficult to draw the six-dynasty ink-book porcelain once directly affected Japan.
【作者單位】: 南京師范大學(xué)社會發(fā)展學(xué)院;


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8 周R鄢,




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