
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 工程管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-12-14 13:50
[Abstract]:No matter it is a water conservancy project, a shipping lock, a power station, or a flood control station, it is necessary to use the gate, and the opening and closing of the gate must use a special mechanical device, the hoist. Compared with the large bulky hoisting hoist of the same capacity, the hydraulic hoist has much lighter weight, and the hydraulic structure is simple, which can save a lot of investment, especially when the number of orifices is more than that of the hydraulic hoist. Because of the smooth running, the system can realize stepless speed regulation conveniently, can realize the overload protection automatically, easy to connect with the computer, and realize the intelligent control, etc., the hydraulic hoist has shown its obvious superiority. However, as the main development direction of gate hoist, hydraulic hoist also faces many problems that need to be solved urgently, such as system dynamic performance is not ideal, system synchronization accuracy is not high, balance loop stability is poor, and so on. Therefore, starting from the problem, this paper adopts a new synchronous loop structure to complete the design of the control strategy and improve the dynamic performance of the system and the stability of the balance loop, which provides a reference for the future development of the hoist hydraulic system. Firstly, the working principle, research status and main problems of hydraulic system of hoist are briefly introduced, and the research background and significance of this paper are expounded. In chapter 2, the working principle of A11VO proportional variable pump and FD type unidirectional throttle balancing valve is described in detail. Based on the transfer function method, the mathematical models of the two key components are established, the block diagram is obtained, and the open loop transfer function is derived. The influence of the main structural parameters of the key components on the dynamic characteristics of the system is analyzed. According to the derived open loop gain, a feasible method to improve the stability of the system is proposed. In chapter 3, the hydraulic system simulation software AMESim is introduced briefly. The simulation models of A11VO proportional variable pump and FD type unidirectional throttle balancing valve are established by using HCD library. The accuracy of the model is verified, and the methods to suppress the pressure shock at the outlet of the proportional pump, to stabilize the pressure, to improve the stability of the system and to speed up the adjusting time of the balance loop system are obtained. In chapter 4, the function of PID control algorithm and the method of parameter tuning are introduced in detail. The AMESim simulation model of hoist hydraulic system is built. The PID controller is designed based on the system model. After the introduction of PID controller in the system, the simulation is focused on whether the proportional pump controlled synchronous cylinder can complete the more accurate displacement following under the step bias load and the step speed of 1 cylinder. Observe the control effect and dynamic performance of PID controller. In chapter 5, the working principle of feedforward compensation controller is introduced. In the case of load disturbance, the control effect of PID controller is not very ideal. The disturbance caused by load change is eliminated by feedforward compensation control strategy. The transfer function block diagram of synchronous loop module of hoist hydraulic system is established, feedforward compensation link is introduced into the system, and feedforward compensation controller is designed. The simulation results show that the performance of feedforward PID control is significantly improved than that of simple PID control under the same bias force interference.


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