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  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 塔式起重機(jī) 超聲測距 小波消噪 回波幅值模型 障礙物識別 出處:《西安建筑科技大學(xué)》2015年博士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

【摘要】:塔式起重機(jī)(以下簡稱塔機(jī))是建筑施工行業(yè)中的標(biāo)志性裝備,具有高空作業(yè)、重心高、工作幅度大的特點(diǎn),廣泛應(yīng)用于建筑工地上的水平和垂直吊裝。隨著城市基礎(chǔ)建設(shè)規(guī)模的不斷擴(kuò)大,塔機(jī)之間的碰撞以及塔機(jī)與周邊障礙物的碰撞概率隨之增高,由此造成的重大事故時有發(fā)生且呈上升趨勢。針對目前塔機(jī)防碰撞監(jiān)測技術(shù)存在的不足,本文基于主動式測障以及預(yù)警思想,研究塔機(jī)周邊障礙物遠(yuǎn)距離超聲傳感測距以及障礙物超聲回波特征識別方法,具有重要的理論和工程意義。本文完成的主要研究工作及創(chuàng)新性成果有:針對項目組研制的遠(yuǎn)距離超聲測量硬件裝置,構(gòu)建了基于虛擬儀器的超聲測量系統(tǒng)并對其進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)優(yōu)化實驗研究。設(shè)計了基于Lab VIEW的上位機(jī)軟件,具有超聲信號的采集與分析等功能;根據(jù)超聲學(xué)和振動學(xué)理論,分析了超聲信號回波過程及其產(chǎn)生機(jī)理;根據(jù)發(fā)射激勵脈沖個數(shù)與超聲回波幅值關(guān)系的實驗,優(yōu)化了遠(yuǎn)距離超聲測量系統(tǒng)的發(fā)射參數(shù)。通過障礙物距離實驗和超聲波入射角實驗,證明了該測量系統(tǒng)對30米范圍內(nèi)障礙物檢測的有效性。針對傳統(tǒng)數(shù)字濾波對峰值坐標(biāo)有時間延遲且信噪比較低、影響測距準(zhǔn)確度和目標(biāo)信號的檢測等問題,提出了適合分析非平穩(wěn)超聲信號的小波改進(jìn)閾值消噪算法。根據(jù)超聲回波信號噪聲特點(diǎn),確定了消噪評價指標(biāo)。通過實驗,分析了傳統(tǒng)數(shù)字濾波算法在超聲回波信號消噪前后的延時、信噪比和均方誤差等方面的不足。根據(jù)小波閾值消噪的方法,提出了一種新的參數(shù)可調(diào)閾值函數(shù)。應(yīng)用小波改進(jìn)閾值消噪算法進(jìn)行了仿真和實驗研究,結(jié)果表明:改進(jìn)閾值函數(shù)具有良好的消噪效果和靈活的調(diào)節(jié)性,提高了測量系統(tǒng)的抗干擾能力。研究了利用超聲信號回波模型進(jìn)行遠(yuǎn)距離測距的方法。利用模型仿真和實驗裝置詳細(xì)分析了傳統(tǒng)的閾值法和互相關(guān)法在遠(yuǎn)距離超聲測距方面的抗噪性、精度、穩(wěn)定性和適用性情況,針對二者測距存在的不足,研究了超聲回波受迫上升段波形與超聲激勵脈沖的關(guān)系,建立了回波的包絡(luò)曲線時域信號數(shù)學(xué)模型,并提出了改進(jìn)的包絡(luò)峰值法和峰值結(jié)合包絡(luò)模型法兩種測距方法。仿真和實驗表明改進(jìn)的測距算法的遠(yuǎn)距離測距性能優(yōu)于傳統(tǒng)的測距法,對單障礙物和多障礙物的遠(yuǎn)距離測距都能滿足工程實際精度要求。研究了障礙物遠(yuǎn)距離超聲回波幅值模型和識別機(jī)理。通過理論推導(dǎo)和實驗分析,研究了傳感器張角與距離的關(guān)系,得到不同距離的張角能量系數(shù);研究了不同距離處對應(yīng)的最大有效圓面積和障礙物面積的比例關(guān)系,得到面積比例系數(shù);分析了角類、面類、柱類障礙物的回波特點(diǎn),綜合各影響因素,建立了典型材質(zhì)和形狀障礙物的超聲回波幅值模型。分析了傳感器入射角對回波的振動時間特征的影響,研究了傳感器小傾角范圍內(nèi)不同材質(zhì)引起的回波差異,對它們的回波進(jìn)行時域和時頻域特征提取,采用基于歐式距離判據(jù)的特征評價和支持向量機(jī)進(jìn)行材質(zhì)的分類識別,識別效果良好。
[Abstract]:Tower crane (hereinafter referred to as the tower crane) is the construction industry of the iconic equipment, with high-altitude operations, high center of gravity, large work range characteristics, widely used in the construction site on the horizontal and vertical lifting. With the continuous expansion of the scale of city infrastructure construction, the tower crane collision between the tower and the surrounding obstacles and the collision probability increased, resulting in major accidents have occurred and the upward trend. Aiming at the shortcomings of tower crane anti collision monitoring technology, the active measuring and warning based on the idea of the tower crane around the obstacle distance ultrasonic sensor ranging and obstacle ultrasonic echo feature recognition method has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, the main research work and innovative achievements are: according to the distance ultrasonic measurement hardware device developed by the research team, is constructed based on virtual instrument The ultrasonic measurement system and optimized experimental system. The design of the PC software Lab based on VIEW, data acquisition and analysis has the function of ultrasonic signal; according to the ultrasound and vibration theory, analyzes the process of ultrasonic echo signal and its mechanism; according to the emission excitation pulse number and amplitude of ultrasonic echo the emission parameters of ultrasonic measurement system was optimized. Through long-distance obstacle distance test and ultrasonic angle experiments demonstrate the validity of the measurement system for obstacle detection of a range of 30 meters. The traditional cataract digital filter with time delay and low SNR of peak coordinates, influence range accuracy and the target signal detection, wavelet analysis is proposed for non-stationary ultrasonic signal, the improved threshold de-noising algorithm. According to the ultrasonic echo signal noise characteristics, determine the noise evaluation index Through the experiment, analysis of the traditional digital filtering algorithm in the denoising of ultrasonic echo signal before and after the delay, lack of signal to noise ratio and mean square error and so on. According to the method of wavelet threshold denoising, a new threshold function with adjustable parameters. Application of improved wavelet threshold denoising algorithm is proved by simulation and experiment research results show that the improved threshold function has good denoising effect and flexible adjustment, improve the anti-interference ability of the measuring system. The research method of long distance measurement using ultrasonic echo signal model. Simulation and experimental device model based on detailed analysis of the traditional threshold method and anti noise, cross-correlation method in long range ultrasonic ranging in terms of accuracy, stability and applicability, to solve the problems existing in the two range, forced ascent waveform and ultrasonic pulse echo of the relationship, to establish the The envelope curve of time-domain signal wave mathematical model, and proposes an improved peak envelope method and the peak envelope binding model method two ranging method. Simulation and experimental results show that the improved algorithm of distance ranging distance and better performance than the conventional, far distance of single obstacle and multiple obstacles can meet the requirements of the practical accuracy Study on the obstacle distance. The ultrasonic echo amplitude model and recognition mechanism. Through theoretical derivation and experimental analysis, studied the relationship between the angle and distance of the sensor, get the energy coefficient of different distance angle; studied at different distances corresponding to the maximum effective circle area and obstacle area ratio, get the area proportion coefficient; analysis angle, plane, echo characteristics of column class barriers, the influence factors, established a typical material and shape of the obstacle ultrasonic echo amplitude model. Analysis of the influence of vibration sensor time characteristics of incident angle on the echo, echo of different materials caused by sensor of small angle range, the echo of the time domain and frequency domain feature extraction, classification and identification of the material characteristic evaluation criterion of Euclidean distance and support vector machine based on the identification results.



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