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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 14:09

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:相機標定精度外界影響因素仿真及實驗研究 出處:《太原理工大學(xué)學(xué)報》2016年01期  論文類型:期刊論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 幾何光學(xué) 相機標定 標定精度 誤差分析 外界因素

[Abstract]:Based on the calibration method of Zhang Zhengyou camera, the main external factors affecting camera calibration accuracy are analyzed, and the distribution curves of camera parameters are given under the influence of these factors. The simulation and experimental analysis show that. In the calibration method of Zhang Zhengyou, the number of sheets of camera calibration plate should be not less than 20; In the field of view of the camera, when the feature point is 110, the unit mesh length should be controlled in the range of 6 ~ 14mm, and the effective focal length is the most stable. When the unit length of the grid is 10mm, the characteristic points on the calibration board should be within 150 points, and the coordinates of the main points are stable. The noise variance increases in proportion to the error of the reprojection point, and the research results have some reference value for improving the calibration accuracy of the camera.
【作者單位】: 太原理工大學(xué)機械工程學(xué)院;太原理工大學(xué)精密加工山西省重點實驗室;美國太平洋大學(xué);
【正文快照】: 相機標定技術(shù)對于計算機視覺的重要性就如同刻度對于標尺一樣[1]。相機標定就是確定相機成像幾何模型的參數(shù),標定精度直接影響著機器視覺的精度,特別是影響圖像測量的精度,因此研究相機標定技術(shù)具有很大的實用價值。然而,對于傳統(tǒng)相機標定方法的研究,人們更多地關(guān)注算法本身的


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